32 - cats dont like homicidal bacon

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"Is this the part where you murder me?" (Y/n) and a man with a horrible disguise on— sat on one of the park benches together

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"Is this the part where you murder me?" (Y/n) and a man with a horrible disguise on— sat on one of the park benches together. They noticed each other's presences right away but sat together in silence, comfortable silence— both of them didn't really feel like talking. "Do you want me to murder you?" He turned to her questioning if she was sane or not. "I don't really know— your disguise is shit by the way."

It wasn't because she could see his true identity but because it drew too much suspicion. Obviously she couldn't tell who the man was but if she was a pro hero or a police officer— she would definitely question it. "What a brat, you'll get yourself in trouble with that sharp tongue of yours." The blue haired girl turned to him with an unimpressed face.

"Oh yeah? What are you going to do about it?" The man stared at her through the top of his sunglasses— he got up, and started walking. She gaped 'That was so uncalled for.' she got up and started to follow the mysterious man amused. "Why are you following me? Are you a stalker or something?" (Y/n) smiled "Do you want me to be your stalker or something?"

"You ask too many questions."

"Are you a villain?" The all black dressed man shrugged nonchalantly "Aren't you that hero brat from the sports festival?" She linked their elbows and happily followed the stranger. "Mhm, hey— where are we going now?" they had turned to an alleyway, the man started climbing up the emergency stairs of the fairly tall building. He extended a hand out to the blue haired girl "I thought you didn't want me to follow you..?"

He clicked his tongue and started going up the stairs— leaving her behind. "Hold on bitch! I was just kidding!" she sweat dropped and started climbing up the stairs too. The stranger was already at the top when (Y/n) had successfully climbed up the stairs— he was laid out in a starfish position and she did the same. "Don't you know it's dangerous to follow strangers around dollface?"

He stared at her from the side of his eye "Dollface? How cute." she commented and didn't respond to the question. "Well you never told me your name." he pointed out and the girl nodded "My bad, but— you watched the sports festival no? Shouldn't that mean that you should know my name?" she rose an eyebrow.

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