08 - cuete cant race

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"Um, All Might! What was that about? What were you guys implying? Why did she seem so

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"Um, All Might! What was that about? What were you guys implying? Why did she seem so...sad?" The green haired boy frowned as he recalled how the girls eyes had drooped in sadness— most of all disappointment. The symbol of peace sighed ashamed of himself "It's nothing young Midoriya.."

"Oi, blondie." (Y/n) called out for the ash blonde that was only some feet away from her. He turned around and scowled at the familiar face, "The hell do you want shitty idiot?" Bakugo glared at her for wasting his time. "What's with your shitty face? What— sad over a dumb loss?" the blue haired girl taunted, but she knew how important it was.

She wanted to experiment something. The ash blonde only clenched his fists and grit his teeth, it turned into a devious smirk. "No damn chain bitch! I might've lost now but i won't ever lose again ya' here me! You're next, i'll prove i'm better than you and that shitty ice guy too!"

Just how she wanted it to go, (Y/n) gave the same smirk back. "Oh yeah? We'll see about that cuetito, what do you think will win? Three thousand degrees or your little firecrackers? If you keep on looking down on other people you won't be able to recognize your own weaknesses Bakugo Katsuki." She threw a strawberry milk carton at him.

"Are you looking down on me?! You'll regret that!" the ash blonde yelled and the blue haired girl only stayed giving the same fiery aura. "Maybe i am, what you gonna do about it?" (Y/n) laughed but waved her right hand in dismissal. "I'm just fucking with you cuete."

"Tch, whatever— you're wasting my time chain bitch." Bakugo turned around and started walking. "You like spicy shit don't you?" his steps paused and he glanced back. "How would you know? You a stalker or something?" he mused and the blue haired girl deadpanned. "Yeah because i would love to stalk a pomeranian with anger issues and a complex."

She stuffed her hands in her pockets. "Let's go cuete, we can go to that one restaurant near the abandoned highways." Bakugo weighed his choices— he scowled. "That's like a three hour walk dumbass." he pointed out, (Y/n) took out her car keys and swirled them around her fingers, "Who said we were walking?"

The ash blonde stared at the shiny black old school car, he would never admit it but it's was fucking beautiful. "Like it?" He heard the girls silly accented voice behind him and immediately responded. "No."— The little pre-quirk era car figurines sitting on his window sill said other wise, he was definitely lying.

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