78 - season four, start!

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"Y'know you shouldn't get so mad (Y/n), it's not very good for the heart

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"Y'know you shouldn't get so mad (Y/n), it's not very good for the heart." It was nighttime, it was still the same day when Mirio and (Y/n) sparred. She was walking around the night street market, it was busy with people from all over the Shizuoka prefecture. "I know I shouldn't but why don't people stop making me mad instead? Why do I have to do everything for everyone else, huh?" She placed her palm on her forehead and sighed, the former users and Barry were trailing behind her—listening to her rants and taking a look around market.

"She has a point Allen," Banjo crossed his arms over his chest. "I just don't want her to get stressed out..!" There was a pat on his back, "Don't worry about it Barry, let's just worry about ice cream." His eyes shined, "But what about you?" She grunted, "It's nothing, Shouta is just...stupid. And I didn't know Mirai already adopted me—not that I'm complaining." Her energy was high and fully charged so the former users were the same—it felt nice to have a nice night to themselves. Though it would be better if they could have a psychical body.

"Come on Barry, what's your favorite flavor?" They rounded the corner to get closer to the stand, multiple people in the market stopped to stare. It was Azul, so of course they would, and she was wearing the same outfit which was a bit revealing. So multiple scars of all kind peeped out of the gaps and her uncovered arms were showcased to receive worried glances. Black also seeped out of her tank top from the back—but that was just the large spider tattoo on her back, thank you Daichi. "Cookie dough ice cream!" He eagerly walked behind her.

"I like cookie dough too, but strawberry is my favorite." The blue haired girls eyes lit up in realization of something, "How about one scoop strawberry and the other cookie dough?" Red sparks flew off of his body and made some spark off of her fingers, "You're a genius!" The former users glanced at each other, all knowing why the man felt connected to the girl in a family type of way. He had talked to them about his past and how All For One defeated him and took his quirk—but took his soul along with him. It was a lot to take in for them, but they understood.

(Y/n), since she was a child, she was always running. Wether it be running away..."(Y/n) darling, please don't cry, okay? Mommy will be alright, you just have to run!" Or running into something..."First Configuration—Full Counter!" She was always running. Just like Barry, all for their own reasons. "No way did you just bite your ice cream Barry Allen," she gaped at the brown haired man in shock. She felt her teeth ache just by looking at it, "Huh?? What's wrong with biting ice cream?" He frowned, "Everything," she stuffed her unoccupied hand in her pocket.

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