112 - 'It's enjoying this??'

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The next day

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The next day

'Three years I have to this company, but today I'm taking it down.' A long coated man stood in front of a tall company building, muttering incoherent dialogue to himself. Passerby's only glanced at the suspicious man for some seconds and went about their day. 'From as far back as I can remember, I've lived my life as a bootlicker. It's been suffocating. But today, my tale comes to an end.' The man rose his arms, "Worthless company...Once you're good and gone...Liberation. Liberation. Long live...Meta-Human Liberation!!" Teruo Hazkashi, age, 31. Quirk, Shame.

The more embarrassed he is, the stronger he gets. He yanked his coat open, but sharp whisks of air intervened. "So what're you in the mood to eat, (Y/n), Endeavor?" Or rather, Hawks' feathers. "Woah! Check it out, we've got a flasher!" Someone shouted from the seemingly never ending sea of civilians. "Feathers? It must be..." Another realized. "Pretty brave on such a cold day," (Y/n) could concur with whoever had said that. "I know a great hot-pot place with good chicken stock. You two are hungry, yeah?" She clasped her hands together, "Hell yes."

Suddenly, a loud scream sent the three heroes on alert. "Ahh! Come back Schwartz!!" It was a dog, rather small dog, running in front of a large bus. A flash of blue and (Y/n) was in the sky, with the same dog being cradled in her arms. The bus went off without stopping, meanwhile Hawks deadpanned. He was going to use his feathers to lead the animal to safety, but she had beat him to it. He wondered, just how fast was she? Seriously? She floated back above the sidewalk and handed the elderly woman her pup. "My little Schwartz, thank goodness. Thank you dear." She nodded at the woman and silently went back to the olders'.

Endeavor said nothing. "Or a yakitori joint! This place called Yoritomi has amazing liver skewers!" (Y/n) grimaced at the blonde's suggestion, 'I hate liver for the life of me.' "Hey, it's Hawks!! Oh and is that Azul?!" People started to notice them. "You don't often see them just walking around!" Hawks turned his head, he smiled at Endeavor and (Y/n). "Heya. Oh, let me carry that up for you, Ma'am." He spoke, without looking at the woman who was struggling to carry a rolling basket up to her home. "Thank you," she thanked. "Congrats on second place, Hawks!"

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