30 - unexpected encounters & visits

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There was heavy breathing heard from the— well, who knows really

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There was heavy breathing heard from the— well, who knows really. It was in the middle of no where, a lake with a bench. It was from the pre-quirk era, a park but it was abandoned since quirks started popping up. (Y/n) knew no one went there, most people stayed out of abandoned areas from the pre-quirk era. She thought so at least—

So why was she here now? Pinning down a cute red eyed villain, wow, he looked good in this angle. Who was she kidding, this guy looked good in every angle— maybe it was mutual but who knows! "Let go of me you damn brat!" Nevermind, he was still sort of annoying— he keeps calling her a brat but the red on his face said otherwise.

"Oh yeah? Why should i do that little villain?" she paused and thought about something "You know, that was kind of a stupid suggestion. Why would i let you go?" she tightened her grip on his wrists further. "Because i know your true identity!" Her eyes widened "No you don't!" she tightened her grip again.

"You're the daughter of the nastiest gangster of all Japan! Who's the real villain? A girl that's the heir of a yakuza group or me?" the blue haired girl got visibly angry "I'm not his daughter! You don't know what happened so you don't get to say anything! For all i know, you're involved with—!" There was rustling that sent them both on alert.

Voices— their instincts went haywire for multiple reasons. The area is supposed to be abandoned, no one should be around here, they were on different sides of society, if someone caught them together— it would mean shit for the both of them. There were flashlights and the duo ducked down immediately.

They took hold of each other unconsciously and rolled to the large bushes. (Y/n) slapped a hand over Shigarakis mouth as he did the same with her but with his pinky lifted. 'His knee is on my stomach..! Couldn't he have chose somewhere else to put it!' His knee put pressure on her stomach— it was uncomfortable because of his bone.

"Hey! I think i heard something over here!" They gripped each other tighter to the point that their skin turned white— the footsteps got closer and they got closer together. "Oh, never mind! It was just a frog." The voices and footsteps faded but the two kept hold of each other just in case. "I think they're gone." she mumbled as the grip on her face had loosened.

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