90 - (Y/N) (L/N): RAGE & WEEP

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—romantic lover, eyedress & never, mag

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—romantic lover, eyedress & never, mag.lo
A string snapped and (Y/n)s formerly limp body had risen and shattered the sharp metal poles that had impaled her from behind. "There's no going back if you do this, (Y/n)," the people in her subconscious warned. She paid no mind to them, "I'll be fine." She dropped to the ground while she let go of Black Whip that had carried her allies to safety, away from her. Eri and Zero Two's power tripled in size by the seconds. "One hundred percent," rolled off of her tongue like a half dreamed murmur. There was a pulsating in back of her subconscious and a throbbing near her forehead.

Her mind flashed with her buried memories, "You really provoked me this time. I haven't been this pissed in ages...!" Her taunting voice compellingly echoed through the sky, the heroes, the yakuza and the villains in the vicinity stared wide eyed and mouth agape. The blue haired girl didn't even look like herself anymore. Her eyes were completely shrouded by a neon glow, not letting any hit of an electric blue shade peek out or any white of her scleras show. She let out a humorous "Hmph," as she turned to her biological father. "Give it all ya' got old man, don't you know?!"

"The past never forgets!" She placed both spread out hands below her collar bones with a wide and sharp grin, her eyes turned back to normal but her scleras kept glowing. "Get it yet?! Y'reap what ya' sow! What're you so afraid of?! C'mon, let's tango! A dance with your daughter, here in hell!" Thunder rattled the skies and lightning struck the ground, the storm that was occurring set blaze to the city. She plucked the remaining spikes from her body and tossed them to the side, she took one step forward—the ground broke apart and left a crater in an instant. "You're finally realizing your true power."

"Muy bien mija!" Daichi clasped his hands together in glee. "Usted no tiene el derecho de llamarme su hija," he lunged at her with explosions and shock waves. "I'm gonna pummel you till kingdom come, for everything you did and for how many people you killed!" She swiped her hand through the air and the attacks redirected themselves to Daichi. Though he made a giant metal shield to block them. Her power felt heavy on the people around, like when they couldn't muster the strength to hold up something for a long time, so their arms would give out.

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