11 - future darlings? dont be delusional.

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(Y/n) threw her arms up with a smirk "You brought this on yourselves so now you have to pay the price!" The two boys were passed out on the roof, the three girls were trembling

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(Y/n) threw her arms up with a smirk "You brought this on yourselves so now you have to pay the price!" The two boys were passed out on the roof, the three girls were trembling. (Y/n) (L/n) can truly be a terrifying person when she wants to. That's because she knows how to frighten people— it's so easy to too.


The blue haired girls face twisted in anger and disbelief— what's with everyone interrupting her! How unbelievable. "WARNING, LEVEL THREE SECURITY BREACH. PLEASE EVACUATE IN AN ORDERLY MANNER." Her eyes widened and she turned to the purple haired boy. "You, evácuate with the other students— someone managed to get past the schools barriers. And you three...i don't give a fuck about what you do, just don't touch him ever again."

Before anyone got to say anything she bolted down the stairs. Shinsous mind reeled and realized what just happened— someone stood up for him, his quirk isn't a villains quirk, she said that people can use their quirks however they want to, did that mean him too? He thinks..he thinks she did, she was warm.

It was nice.

Running through the hallways (Y/n) was trying to find the teachers— or at least one. She skidded to a stop in front of Nezus office, about to knock there was rustling inside. 'What the fuck?' The blue haired girl carefully made a crack in the door by opening it a tad and took out her phone. She pressed the record button and brought it up to the small gap.

There was a purple void— she covered her mouth to contain any noise. 'Who the hell is that? What is that?' She zoomed in a bit and the void started to close, that was the end of it. She stopped recording and quickly continued on her way 'i'll tell them later.' She passed one of the exit halls and Iida was somehow on top of the exit sign.

He sort of looked like the man on the emergency exit sign too, (Y/n) looked out of the large windows and noticed the familiar figures of her teachers. She turned around and started running again, opening the large doors she slowed down. There were reporters getting arrested by the police— the teachers and Nezu were just watching. She walked up to them slowly.

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