41 - he isn't dumb

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"Midoriya-kun..?" The boy looked up with a tear stained face, red—puffy eyes, and with his hair sticking onto his forehead because of the rain. "Are you okay?" (Y/n) carried an umbrella and two bags of groceries from the store. It was only some hours that passed when she had gone home after hanging out with the League. It was cloudy and raining, sort of cold—but it felt nice to wear a comfy sweater.

She got closer and tipped the umbrella to cover the green haired boys body, he was shivering. "You're gonna get sick." she clicked her tongue and leaned down to hug the boy—she pushed his closer to warm him up. He was sitting on a swing—crying, she didn't like that even if he looked pretty while doing it. He clutched her sweater and sobbed out incoherent sentences but she could still hear some snippets of it.

Kacchan, Kirishima, how, friends, why can't i, am i not good—some things similar to that, she knew what he meant. The boy spent almost all his life trying to become friends with Bakugo and then all of a sudden he has to watch someone else—Kirishima—become friends with him almost right off the bat. She heated up her hand up and ran it through this hair, it made the water evaporate but wasn't hot enough to hurt him. "Come on, let's go home darling."

Midoriya nodded with a sniffle and continued to hug her arm for warmth. "Don't think too much about Bakugo—it'll only make it hurt worse. You have friends now, Iida, Uraraka, Todoroki and me—class 1-A too. We're all here for you Midoriya-kun, so instead of stressing out for someone you have all the time in the world to worry about—stress over the finals. We can study together, Shoto too."

He tried to give a smile but turned into a lopsided one "I'm sorry, i don't know what came over me it's just that-!" she pat his head. "It's like that sometimes freckles, you just needed to let it out—and you did. So come on! All Might said something like—the people who smile are the strongest right?" she pushed her pointer fingers up on his cheeks making his teeth show.

He clenched them into a beaming smile "There you go! Even the sun came out for you." She wasn't wrong, the rain actually started clearing and the sun hit down on Musutafu. It smelled nice after the rain died down—it always did, "Heh, guess it rains when you cry." she nudged him with her elbow and he laughed a little bit. She closed her umbrella and checked the time.

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