106 - prepping for the school festival is the funniest part

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"As part of my upbringing when I was young, I developed an interest in piano

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"As part of my upbringing when I was young, I developed an interest in piano. Could that be useful?" Yaoyorozu placed a hand above her chest. And assigning roles continues at Heights Alliance. "Cool! So you should play the keyboard Yao-Momo!" Mina exclaimed, she seemed the most excited about of everyone. But that was mostly because she expressed it in different ways, hyperactive ones' at that. "Synth sounds are a part of club music that we can't do without. You're a real help Yao-Momo!" The latter clenched her fists in front of herself and beamed, "I'll do my best!" She announced.

And poor Mina leaned on her with a look of betrayal, "Huhhh? Didn't we talk about you being part of the girls' dance squad!? But I forgive you cause' you're so cute!" Jiro continued, "I'll play the bass. So we just need guitar and vocals." (Y/n) perked up at the guitar part, but then sunk back into the couch. 'I don't want to steal the spotlight from them.' "Everyone else can be dancers?" 'I don't want to dance...maybe special effects? We needs those right?' "Hm...I fear that that alone may not be enough." 'Like I said...special effects. Maybe we could use our quirks too, and Aoyama's is really flashy.'

"How about that crazy video we saw? We could-" Mina twirled past the dual haired boy, "Gotta have some props!" She smiled and pumped her arms up. "Yeah, that!" Shoto concurred. "Props?" Mina clacked away at the computer and then spun around to show it to the class. "Like this! Sparks, streamers, and disco balls! We need these sort of things if we want to create an atmosphere!" Hagakure was basically vibrating in excitement, "Let's make it like a Disneyland parade! And it's another way for others to participate!" She pointed out. "We're borrowing the gym right?"

"Indeed. Aizawa sensei has already put in the request."

"So, like, like...Uraraka could made Todoroki and Kirishima float, right?! And then Kirishima can chop up Todoroki's ice! I don't know if using (Y/n)'s quirks would be safe..." 'Ouch.' She sunk lower into the couch. "And if Aoyama acts as our disco ball..." The boy turned around in alarm. "The sparkly ice'll look like star dust as it falls! I call it team Snowmen!! Ha ha ha ha! Like a shave ice machine! Remember those hero teams I was talking about!?" Iida was content, "Excellent idea! Adding a bit of flair is the perfect way to get the room going!"

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