58 - their shattering hearts

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michelle—sir chloe

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michelle—sir chloe

Day One—After (Y/n) (L/n)s death, 6:00 am

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Day One—After (Y/n) (L/n)s death, 6:00 am

Multiple dings went off along with news alerts on people's phones, wether it be on the streets, at home, in a store, at work—anywhere and everywhere. There was a shattering of a window as Izuku Midoriya had thrown his phone to the black framed glass on the corner of his room. Inko Midoriya in the other room calmly folded recently laundered clothes, of course—she was disrupted by the shatter.

Being a worry filled mother—she dropped the clothes from her hands and quickly went to his room. She had been worried about him all night, the power had been cut since it was announce that All Might had started to fight the villain in Yokohama. When it was exposed that (Y/n) was a daughter of a villain—she didn't exactly care about it? Not that she didn't care about the girl, it just didn't change anything or how she viewed her.

She busted into Izukus room. "Izuku! Baby are you alright..?" She let her tensed shoulders drop down at the face of her child crying, he held an All Might keychain to his chest—she could tell he was hyperventilating. His phone was smashed but she could clearly see the headline on his phone "(Y/n) (L/n), first year U.A student—deceased..." The green haired woman's pupils dilated—deceased..?

She looked back at her son and covered her mouth in shock, (Y/n)—was dead? Izuku covered his eyes with his forearm, how could he let his friend die? It was horrible, the feelings he felt—the way she made his heart flutter as if there were pretty blue butterflies that coursed throughout his body. It physically hurt him as his mind played the scene of her on the hospital bed on loop. He could still feel the warm and feathering touch of her fingers when they ran through his unruly hair.

Izuku desperately ran his hands through his hair trying to imitate her touch on him—he could feel her warmth fading away from him. When his mother hugged him—trying to give him any sort of warmth, trying to provide him any sort of comfort—it didn't work. "I could never fear you (L/n)." He can't believe that he failed her, he tried to remember the feeling of her lips on his forehead. 'You know just how to be cruel (L/n)-san...'

There was nothing but silence that filled an apartment—Shoto, Natsuo and Fuyumi helped into each other. Touyas death was hard on them as it is, Fuyumi couldn't think about him without crying, the other two were similar. But the death of her—they couldn't bear it. It was like a centipede that crawled its self around their hearts and squeezed so tight that it shattered to pieces. The room—it still smelled like strawberry gummy bears.

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