63 - cannot, will not, would never

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read a/n at the end

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read a/n at the end

"Thankfully the damage to your body was only superficial, it seems as though the quirks that you had obtained—kept themselves from internally harming your body

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"Thankfully the damage to your body was only superficial, it seems as though the quirks that you had obtained—kept themselves from internally harming your body. Though tissue damage was severe, along with the nerves and your ligaments. Your legs are in an extremely good shape, almost as if energy was constantly running through them. Your quirk genes have completely shifted from the ones you had before, as you can see here—your body is overflowing with crazy amounts of energy."

"Truly amazing, i've never really seen anything like this before." A purple haired doctor pointed his gloves at the screen as (Y/n) sat on an amazingly comfortable hospital bed. "So there was no damage to my body?" He tilted his head begrudgingly, "I saw the fight you had with that super villain, kid. The spikes that impaled you—had left holes in your body, but miraculously, they had closed. Your hands are the main source of problems." He pulled out a tablet and sat next to her.

One glance at the x-ray and she grimaced, her bones and hands looked all weird, her veins looks blotched and splattered. She heard the doctor sigh, "There isn't anything anyone could do for you, the fourth degree burn on your left arm will cause numbness most of the time so don't be alarmed when you can't feel it. I know it's not normal, but it's also the same with your right hand." The blue haired girl moved the peach flavored lollipop around the inside of her mouth in contemplation.

"It's alright, i mean—if there's nothing you can do, it's cool. As long as you guys tried your best right?" She offered the purple haired man a sheepish but reassuring smile. He smiled back a little, "You're too forgiving for your own good (L/n)-san." He swirled around in his chair, she stared at it with a child like shine in her eyes. "Oh well, but you're my new doctor now right? Night doctor or whatever they said..?" He nodded and bowed his head a little, "It's nice to meet you (L/n), call me Dr.Shinsou."


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