69 - exam, completed

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'Even while they're immobilized, they're still

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'Even while they're immobilized, they're still..!' Fire and wind mixed together, it created a cyclone of red and orange heat. 'Yoarashi's force and accuracy might have taken a hit but the paralysis wasn't enough to take him out. He's just barely managing to control his quirk, meanwhile Todoroki's completely paralyzed but he can still cloak Yoarashi's wind with his flames. It doesn't make up for that ridiculous squabbling earlier but not bad...not bad at all.' Gang Orca lowly chuckled to himself.

'They say that pounding rain hardens the ground, they realized their own mistakes and tried to fix things. I gotta say, i'm impressed with their persistence, no doubt a lot of them got it from a certain someone.' He glanced at the blue haired girl who was relentlessly taking down his men with an angered expression. "Hey! Look behind us!" One of the latters had called out and most of them looked back, it made Junior and the girl pause. 'They're doing it...!' They thought in sync, "Big fish is trapped by that fiery windstorm!"

"Do ya think he's really in trouble?" Someone voiced their worries, "Just like a real whale—big fish is vulnerable to drying out!" They started to run towards their boss to help him out, "Forget the wind! Go after the flame user!" The brown and blue duo unleashed both of their quirks simultaneously, "Big mistake!" He started off, "You've left yourselves wide open!" She continued, "You imbeciles!" He finished, harsh super sonic attacks either knocked them out or threw them back. It tore up the ground, "Fourth Configuration!"

"Agonizing Shock!" Millions of electricity volts were shot out of her body—it electrocuted and made a large amount of them pass out. Ice also shot out and the electricity touched it—it created a scaled explosion. "Crap! Todoroki, he...he used both powers at once!" A sidekick was frozen to the ground, more of them that were farther away—looked back at the chaos. "Should we head back to help?" One of them questioned, "Woah! Hold on!" A painful kick to the face and air pressure attacked them, green sparks danced around wildly.

The villains henchmen shot their cement guns at Midoriya but ultimately failed, "Need a hand too?" A tail wrapped around a sidekick and whammed them into the ground, "Ojiro!" The latter continued to mercilessly smack the extras with his quirk. "They're saying the victims are all safe now! And back up is coming soon!" In other placed of the stadium—multiple students of class A lead groups to safety. 'Let's check on the remaining H.U.C members on standby, looks like three more to go before it's all over. I'll put an end to the test at that point.'

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