132 - Simmer, Little Blue, Cookie

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(Y/n) and Aito simultaneously blew their nose in a tissue that was handed to them by Chiyo

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(Y/n) and Aito simultaneously blew their nose in a tissue that was handed to them by Chiyo. "You really know how to make people cry, Baba!" Akari whined as Mai agreed, sniffling. "Even made me and Kouki cry!" Kenji scrunched his face up, not wanting the waterworks to come back so soon. Kouki looked away with a sniffle and a red nose, "Lies." Daniel still had a stream of tears going down his face, but he nudged the older boy, knowing damn well he was lying. "Haven't had a good cry like that in a while..!" Kelly wiped her eyes.

"Tell me about it..." (Y/n) carefully dabbed her eyes, not wanting to smudge her mascara more. "(Y/n), tell me about Yukio," Mrs.Hanako said as she wiped her eyes as well. "I don't know if that's a good idea after all that," Mr.Hanako—being reasonable—pointed out. But the white haired girl waved it off, "Kicked his ass hard and well. He's in Tartarus." The older woman nodded, "Damn straight. Good job, for Aiko and Trini." And yet, when both women looked at each other, they knew so well that Daichi was a manipulated kid who wasn't given another option.

A kid who wasn't taught better and would've turned out different if he was. It was a silent but serious conversation they had with their gazes, but the conclusion was the same. Yukio needed someone, and Daichi deserved to rot in prison. "Are you guys done with your crying fest?" Kohako shouted as he crossed his arms, stomach grumbling just like the rest who sat at the dinner table. His head was lightly smacked by Mrs.Hanako's rolled up news paper. "If you're hungry, just say that child. Get on with it," she shooed him back to the table.

"We'll get started on dinner," she announced and gestured Mr.Hanako. The junior high kids decided to help them out and the littler ones stayed working diligently on their decor. Meanwhile, the high schoolers went upstairs to their rooms. More specifically, Aito's room. (Y/n) took off her jacket and jumped onto his dark grey themed bed—sinking into it comfortingly. Kenji plopped himself onto his beanbag and Kouki sat down on his desk's chair. Aito decided to sit criss cross on his bed next to his sister. "So, how's school?" Kouki blurted out.

"We all just got done crying and you're asking us how school is?" Kenji threw something at the purple haired boy, and the latter caught it easily, setting it down on the desk. "What else am I supposed to ask? Want to share more trauma and cry more?" The twins laughed and the boy felt accomplished from it. "Crying makes me tired..!" Aito flopped himself onto his sister, laying his head and shoulders on her stomach. "You can say that again..!" (Y/n) sighed. "How about we all just take a nap?" Kenji suggested, checking the clock that read 5:46 PM.

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