105 - "So why should I care?"

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All Might

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All Might. Brave. Crimson Riot. Azul. From the Vigilante Era to the present day, those they call heroes have left their shining marks on history. Wether it's continuous at the moment or not. Legendary overlord, All For One. Leader of the Meta-Human Liberation Army, Destro. The peerless thief, Oji Harima. The Angel of Death, the head of the Phantoms and the leader of the Seven Deadly Sins, Daichi. On the other side, the names of villains (criminals) live in infamy. "Until the system was put in place, it was an Era when the line between hero and villain had yet to be defined. An Era of chaos and confusion, but also one of freedom!!"

"As an Englishman, I was unabashedly free!" "So cool~!" "Greetings, one and all! Allow me to introduce an extraordinary man of romance and gallantry! Yes! It is I, Gentle! Gentle Criminal!" The door to the room was opened, "La Brava. Is the upload complete?" The woman shrieked as she toppled over and back with the chair she was sitting on. "Yep, Gentle!! But our account was taken down again, so I re-uploaded everything! Starting with your debut vid!! Rewatching that first one gets me going like no morning cup of coffee ever could!" She squealed bashfully. "Fabulous work once again, La Br- Ouch! Hot!"

The silver haired man had accidentally—actually rather idiotically—tried to pour the tea out of the tea pot from up high again. Which ended up with him missing the cup and poured it on his hand instead. "Now...shall we proceed with today's filming? It will be done with the upmost style." Now, for a very much irking POV switch. I am Gentle. A man known for uploading footage of my so-called criminal activities on to video sharing websites. But do not mistake me, for I do not commit these crimes haphazardly. Take my earlier robbery of that convenience store. J-Store is the largest chain store in the industry, with branches all over the country.

That number one chain store...took some nearly expired fluffy pudding...and was suspected of falsifying the labels and selling it nonetheless. The corporation feigned ignorance, naturally. And the incident ended with the truth buried. Have you caught on yet? Yes. I pass judgment on those who have acted in a distinctly ungentlemanly way. I'm a modern day...gentleman scoundrel!!! Now, again, back to our normal POV! "This sucks, Gentle!" La Brava whined out. "Do elaborate, La Brava!" Gentle urged. "The J-Store vid isn't getting a ton of hits! It seems like the world just doesn't have any taste!"

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