07 - "All Might- I pity you, I really do."

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After that

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After that...battle between childhood friends, it was time for Todoroki and (Y/n)s fight. The two were against Team I, who they both didn't know who the hell they were but oh well. "Look alive kids! Show us your embodiment of good..or evil!" The opposing team was already in the building while the other duo were walking towards the training building.

"So what's the plan candy cane?" the blue haired girl glanced at the boy walking next to her. "I will freeze the building, you stand outside." A tick mark appeared on the girls forehead as her lips lifted up into a sneer. "No can do stupid-roki. I'm part of this team too— not just you. I'll sense the other team, unless you want invisible girl to sneak up on you."

Todoroki rolled his eyes but nodded. "Careful, your eyes could roll all the way to the back of your head and get stuck." He didn't answer and (Y/n) walked ahead of him— taking out her wireless earbuds and stuffing them in her ears. Chamber of reflection— Mac DeMarco

The duo walked into the building and almost immediately, a buzzer sounded. "Alright, now BEGIN!" All Mights voice boomed and the dual haired boy looked over to his partner...she wasn't there anymore. Instead she was in the middle of the hallway, he decided to leave her be— to whatever she was doing.

(Y/n)s face scrunched up in concentration, she stuck her right hand out and her electric eyes flickered like a flashlight until they stayed glowing a vibrant blue. Her eyes became sharper and dull blue chains shot out of her palm at rapid speeds— while also wrapping themselves around her body.

It looked beautiful.

The class, All Might and Todoroki stared, her chains glinted from the artificial lights in the building. Her chains were pretty and the way they wrapped around her body and everywhere like vines was mesmerizing. She looked like she was being held captive by her own quirk but in truth she could easily get out of them.

"One is in the hall of the north side of the fourth floor and the other one is on the same level." (Y/n) reeled her quirk back into the safety of her hands before adding "They're both barefoot, pretty pathetic attempt against us wouldn't you think Candy Cane?" she tilted her head as Todoroki only nodded in agreement.

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