54 - justice this & peace that

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"The tracker points to this location

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"The tracker points to this location." Yaoyorozu announced as the five tried to stealthily make their way down to the location. There was a run down and seemingly abandoned building. "So this is their hideout? I'd buy that." Kirishima and Todoroki both looked up at the fairly large sized building. "We can't be sure but, i've been checking and the villains haven't moved from here all day." She pointed out as she lifted the device to show the boys.

"Just because the villains are here—doesn't necessarily mean that (L/n) and Bakugo are too. I need you all to realize that we're standing here now based on very limited information. None of us are suited to stealth missions like Jiro and Hagakure. So im stopping this at the first hint of danger, because you are my friends and i won't hesitate to notify the authorities." The class rep reminded and warned.

"Thank you Iida, just give me a minute to think—about what we can actually do." The green haired boy started to mutter incoherently. "The old "mutter" thing, it's been a while." The red head scratched his nape. "How very like you Midoriya." Yaoyorozu spared him a glance. 'Right, once you've made up your mind you won't be stopped...you can't be stopped. As your friend and rival, i respect that about you. But i can't cede anymore to you than i already have. This time—i'll be the one to protect you.'

"Why do i gotta clean up U

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"Why do i gotta clean up U.A's mess? I got places to be." Endeavors flames crackled and moved around wildly. "Get of your high horse, you're U.A alma matter, aren't you?" A blonde with perfectly side swept hair scolded the number two hero briefly. "This isn't just U.A's call you're heeding, try to see the big picture Endeavor." The latter let out a small hmph towards the brown haired detective.

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