86 - Red Riot & his chivalrous spirit!

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"I hope Tamaki is okay, I can't help but worry," Kirishimas eyebrows were scrunched together in emphasis of his previous statement

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"I hope Tamaki is okay, I can't help but worry," Kirishimas eyebrows were scrunched together in emphasis of his previous statement. "Yeah..." Midoriya trailed off, also worried for their senpai, (Y/n) rolled her eyes and Fat Gum made a face. 'Even the underclassmen have no faith in him. Tamaki swore he'd be fine, but the kid's wimpy actions sometimes speak louder than his words.' The two glanced at each other with similar thoughts, "Still though!" The man yelled—surprising the three youngsters. "When a guy says he's got your back, a real man has just gotta believe!!"

"Yeah, he's gonna be fine!!" Kirishima said with an intense face and Midoriya gaped at him with wide eyes. "You sure do go with the flow, huh?!" He continued his rant, "I'm worried but I gotta believe in him! Can waste even a second of the time Suneater bought us!" Rock Lock sweat dropped, 'Give it a rest loud mouth.' Some stairs appeared in their way—farther ahead, "A way back up," the green haired man and blue haired girl muttered. "Yeah, the stairs!" Fat Gum announced the already known, "It's odd though..." They all glanced towards her.

"Isn't it a bit strange that we haven't seen that guy that messed around with basement?" She questioned out loud. "You're right, the halls aren't twisty anymore," the green haired boy agreed. "He's allowed us to come this far without interfering, that means he either doesn't have complete awareness of the basement or full control over the basement. Suneater is back there and the police officers are up above, maybe he's focusing his attention on them?" The man with locks as earrings turned to her, "Is there a limit to how much he can monitor at once?"

"I was just thinking about that, but I think he literally dove into the basement to control it. He hasn't become the facility itself. But rather, he's sneaking through the walls. Listening and watching, So when he shifts things around to slow us down—I'm sure there's a chance that his real body is around. He must stick his real eyes or ears out to observe." The sixteen year old was correct. An eye stared down the trio that was taken down by the Suneater, 'They only managed to slow down one guy?! Even if they're scum, those three were supposed to be real strong. Right...it's because of him and her!'

"You should've just come quietly instead of rushing all at once to stop us. Kind of a crazy move." Bubble girl tied up the people Centipeder took down. "Oh, we ain't crazy. Everyone you're arresting is perfectly sane, if we came quietly, Overhaul would end us," one of the thugs explained. "Over—? You mean Chisaki?" He grunted, "Yep. Overhaul's been his moniker ever since the old boss got sick and he started taking over the operation. The boss had a lot of respect for the traditional methods of running a gang. He was always searching for a way our kind could survive in this age."

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