16 - golden staples

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Midoriya and (Y/n) walked home, well— she was walking him home

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Midoriya and (Y/n) walked home, well— she was walking him home. After that she would have to go to the hospital to see what they would do with the now purple patch on her left arm. A fourth degree burn— she hates it, it's itchy and she wants to scratch it but can't. Her fingers were aching, she was tired.

"(L/n)-san.." She turned to the green haired boy with a hum. "Are you okay?" Her brain froze and reeled "Yeah—i'm fine." She's not fine. "Then...could you please explain what move you did at the U.S.J?!" he was rather..loud. But the blue haired girl ignored that "It's not really a move, but i just heated up my entire body surpassing my limits."

"Is that why you got burned?" She did a double take as suddenly there was a notebook in his hand along with a pencil. "Um, yeah— my fire surpasses 3,400°F so it's dangerous not just other people but for me too." Midoriya started to mutter and write at the same time. She sweat dropped hearing "I wonder if she can cook with her fire— but maybe because it's too hot the food would burn— mutter mutter.."

"Okay so about your quirk—they're two right? What is the blue fire one called? Is it hotter than Endeavors? Why were the chains a different color than usual at the usj? Are they hard to manipulate? Do you wear the bracelet connected with the rings with chains for better control or? What are the drawbacks?"

"Slow down fanboy." (Y/n) laughed at his adorable enthusiasm as he blushed and apologized profusely. "Uh, yeah they're two, cremation, no comment, because they were, yes, yes but it was a limiter, and drawbacks for both of my quirks?" He nodded. "Um, hand cramps, stiffness, i get gashes when i overuse my chains, not a lot of burns but i overdid it this time."

"You have a lot of drawbacks— but why a limiter?" The green haired boy looked at her with focus. "Don't worry about that." she dismissed and he continued writing in his notebook. "So you write things about people's quirks in your notebooks right?" The blue haired girl asked as she peeked at it over his shoulder.

"Ah! Y-Yeah, i have about half of the class already."

"Wait so, that's how you used Shoutas moves during the combat training? That's pretty cool, you're a natural strategist." she complimented making the boy sputter and blush. "Thank you!" he beamed at her brightly. "How many books do you have so far? And who was the first person in this one?" Midoriya wants to cry, no one had ever shown interest in his notebooks or rather him in general.

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