34 - hero names

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Shoto stared at the half awake body of (Y/n), he obviously noticed the darker eye bags under her eyes

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Shoto stared at the half awake body of (Y/n), he obviously noticed the darker eye bags under her eyes. Usually she had subtle ones, he guessed they were natural but this was sort of exaggerated— did she not sleep at all? The dual haired boy was absolutely correct, she just couldn't sleep. Just when she thought it was getting better too and the voices, she doesn't understand what they're saying.

She knows it has to do with one for all and the sudden shift of her subconscious, but it's driving her insane. So much so that she didn't even put an effort to do her hair, instead just put an outfit together which was the least she could do in that state. Dark purple pants, the uniform shirt, a lavender tie and a large grey zip up sweater.

Shoto didn't question why Lucerito was sleeping soundly on her head— instead, he placed a bowl of cereal in front of her. As if one reflex— she started to eat, there was a small tug on the corners of his lips. "You didn't sleep well?" he took a scoop of cereal out of his bowl. She paused and looked up with half lidded eyes "I slept fan-fucking-tastic. Fuyumi and Natsuo already left right?" He nodded.

"Can i hold your arm?" (Y/n) internally gushed at the kitten like expression. Shoto and the latter were walking to school, she didn't feel like driving so it was the best option. "Yup." she extended out her right arm and he immediately grasped it— he was basically cuddling her arm. Lucerito just followed behind them, she would take occasional glances back just to check on her cat.

"Doesn't Midoriya live in that complex?" the dual haired boy moved his gaze towards what was indeed the green haired boys apartment complex. "Oh, yeah— wanna pick him up? We're pretty early so i'm sure he's still at home, we can say hi to Inko-san too." They changed direction towards the apartment complex while Lucerito still followed behind.

The blue haired girl knocked on the door— there were small footsteps and the door opened to show a short green haired woman. The tall teens easily towered over her "Oh! (Y/n) goodmorning— who's this?" The girl smiled "Shoto Todoroki, he's my friend." The dual haired boy gave a small bow 'So formal..!'

"It's a pleasure to meet you Mrs.Midoriya." (Y/n) sweat dropped at the everlasting stoic face of her friend. "Oh! Just call me Inko sweetie, Izuku! Your friends are here!" the green haired woman called out for her son. "What do you mean?!" The two heard fumbling footsteps and unruly but familiar green hair appeared. "Goodmorning Midoriya." the two said in unison which was sort of...unnerving.

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