103 - back to normal, again

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the next morning

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the next morning

"No running allowed, just power walking at max speed!!" The class rep burst into the class with a loud shout and his arm rotating clockwise rather quickly. Uraraka was just behind him with her right fist pumped up. Midoriya then zoomed in only some seconds after, Uraraka then took on the job of a marshaller and directed the boy into the class with her arms. "One minute until class! Just in time!" (Y/n) and Sero sweat dropped in unison, "It's too early to be that loud," they commented. "All nighters are ill-advised. You'll throw off your autonomic nerves," Iida warned with stiff hand movements.

"Sorry, Mr.President," Midoriya apologized and then turned. Only to catch Aoyama gazing at him. "Surprise," he winked with a small grin. He smiled at him with his irises going awfully small, a bead of sweat rolled down his forehead. 'It's Aoyama. That guy freaked me out so much I didn't sleep a wink.' (Y/n) narrowed her eyes at the small interaction and crossed her arms. 'What's going on here...? I don't get it.' Sero fiddled with the chain  connecting on the belt loops of her black flare jeans. She was sitting on his desk, sipping strawberry milk. "Feels like you haven't had a full class with us in forever (Y/n)."

She turned to the black haired boy, "Well yeah. Every since the battle with my f- Daichi, and what happened with Mirai and all those other things—I guess I just missed a lot of classes. I still need to make them up too." With her black flare jeans—she wore her white uniform shirt with two buttons unbuttoned. And with that—her purple and pink striped tie was loose and not done well. She only picked it because of her shoes—her outfit would look bland otherwise. "And that you should (Y/n)! You should start by being able to tie your tie right!" Iida marched over—making everyone around perk up. They watched him ferociously tie her tie.

And then accidentally pulled on it too hard—making it strain around her neck. "Iida you did it too tight!" Sero shot up from his seat when she gasped for air. He pulled on the tie—making the top of her body harshly lurch forward and ended up with them knocking foreheads. "Hijo de su puta madre!" The two hispanics cursed, and everyone knew at that point that they did. "Language!" Iida scolded as he quickly loosened her tie and buttoned the two top buttons of her shirt. "You know, (Y/n) said she wouldn't get hurt anymore. So we should try to not end up hurting her as well."

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