77 - "Just stay out of my way."

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"I just barely managed to keep my privates hidden for you ladies sake! And my apologies (L/n)-san!" The latter smiled at the blonde boy and his friends who stood in front of her and class A who had their hands wrapped around their aching stomachs

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"I just barely managed to keep my privates hidden for you ladies sake! And my apologies (L/n)-san!" The latter smiled at the blonde boy and his friends who stood in front of her and class A who had their hands wrapped around their aching stomachs. "It's no worries Togata-senpai, I enjoyed the show," she teased with a small red tint that washed over her cheeks. His face turned red and he quickly looked away, "And well, you get the idea." She stared at the other two, 'Oh waitt, I know these guys, that one bumped into my...boobs.' It was the boy with indigo hair—he was facing the wall.

"Feel like all you did was punch all of us in the gut," class A sulked with an atmosphere full of doom. Except for the blue haired girl—she was happy that someone could go toe to toe with her, only a bit though. Lucerito sauntered over to his owner, "Think my quirk is strong?" The boy wearing (Y/n)s purple zip up sweater questioned, which almost instantly caused an uproar, and caused the cat to speed up his pace to get to her. She leaned down a bit to pick him up, "Were you a good boy with Shoto?" He raised his paws, she cooed at him, "Of course you were, my darling~!" They ignored everyone's talking with a bubbly aura.

"Way too strong!" Sero. "And totally unfair from where i'm standing!!" Hagakure. "You can phase and warp?! What're you, some kinda hybrid like Todoroki and (Y/n)?!" The two looked over at the pink haired girl with a slightly offended, "Hey!" Nejire rose her hand, "Oh, oh, can I say your quirk? Can I? Can I? It's Permeation!!" She announced, "Hado, this is Mirio's time to shine," Amajiki scolded lightly. "Nope! I've just got one, it's Permeation! Like you guessed, what you guys call "warping" is another function of it!" Nejire puffed one of her cheeks out, "Hmph sorry," she apologized.

"What's the principle behind your warping?!" Midoriya questioned while taking...invisible notes? 'Wait thats adorable-!' (Y/n) cradled her cat in her arms, "When I activate my quirk across my whole body, I pass through everything and anything! And everything included the ground itself!" Mirio tapped his foot on the ground to gesture the beginning of his explanation. "Oh...so when...it's like you were just falling!" Uraraka recalled watching him sink into the ground. "Yup! Falling straight through the Earth, but when I deactivate my quirk underground—something amazing happens!"

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