76 - U.A's Big Three

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"When do you think she'll wake up?" Two pairs of eyes gazed at the blue haired figure that was carefully laid on the couch

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"When do you think she'll wake up?" Two pairs of eyes gazed at the blue haired figure that was carefully laid on the couch. One with vermillion wings and the other with his usual slicked back hair, he had to keep up an image, of course. "Soon, hopefully," they kept staring, as if somehow it would wake her up. "So Eraser caused all of this?" She was previously in an awful shape, her quirk was going in and out of control. But it went back to normal once the former users and Barry Allen had stabilized her body. The abrupt intervention had shocked her body into some kind of...coma?

It wasn't easy to describe, especially since it wasn't like she died, again, or anything. "He did, the sudden stopping of her power is most likely what caused this. She was doing perfectly fine with limiting herself too...what a shame." Mirai sighed and Hawks sat down on the plain couch, the foreseer's house was large. Enough to fit a family of ten, maybe more, but there was All Might memorabilia everywhere. Was that a limited edition silver age action figure? Who knew, 'So he's an All Might fanboy.' The house itself had three stories, four if the basement is included.

"Ughh," (Y/n) groaned out, "Take it easy for the rest of the night (Y/n)." She let out a small, "mhm," to reassure the oldies inside of her head. She balled the fluffy blanket in her arms and hugged it, then she rolled over—thud. She groaned once more—the two men in the room snapped their heads towards the noise. "(Y/n)! You're awake!" The red winged man jumped up and sped over with a cheery voice, his wings sputtered a bit, 'Well...someone is happy.' She was picked up by the under arms by the shorter man, "Goodmorning!" He chirped out, "It's 8 at night Hawks."

"Exactly~!" He flashed a bright smile as he set her down on her feet, Mirai sauntered over in a sternly manner. The ex vigilante tensed, "I'm not going to scold you for something that wasn't your fault. Alright, (Y/n)? You did well out there, next time—listen to what I tell you. You did as I told you to and limited your powers." He pat her head softly, "I feel like i'm interrupting an important family moment..." The blonde behind them sweat dropped, "Thank you Mirai, i'll listen to you next time, and don't worry about it, Hawks."

"What are you doing here anyways? Don't you have something better to do?" There was a small smack to her head, "Aw come on, I didn't mean it offensively," (Y/n) sent a pointed glance towards her father figure. "Just wanted to drop in and hang out with you, but your dad is here—not that it really matters—so i'm going to stay~!" It was the duos turn to sputter instead of Hawk's wings, 'He thinks he's my dad?! No wait! This motherfucker knows what he's doing!' Her forehead vein throbbed comically as the upbeat man wrapped each arm around their shoulders.

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