83 - the meeting

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Sir Night-eye Agency, Second Floor, Meeting Room

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Sir Night-eye Agency, Second Floor, Meeting Room

"Let's go over everything step by step," (Y/n) tugged on her shirt. It was a simple outfit, Mirai told her to dress formally, so she did. Sort of at least, she wore black dress pants, a black high neck shirt with long sleeves and a black blazer on top. And for shoes she wore platform Chelsea Doc Martens. As she said, simple but pretty formal if you asked her. The room was filled with different ranking heroes, from lesser known local heroes to top ranking ones. "Sensei!" Uraraka and Asui marched over to Aizawa who was trying not to stare at Sir and (Y/n) talking. "Why are you here sensei?"

"I was called over, they asked for my help so here I am. I've been told the gist of what's going on, and there's something I have to tell everyone." Kirishima and Amajiki approached Fat-Gum, "Feeling kinda outta the loop here, Hassai-what now? Wuzzat'? I know about the whole "Angel of Death," though." The red head questioned, he was utterly lost. "They're probably planning to do something rough, which is why we're here to talk about it. And it's got plenty to do with you two and (Y/n)." The third year glanced down at his bandaged arm. "Now then, let's get started."

Everyone, including the U.A students sat down at a large meeting table. Instead of a full table, it was a rectangle but with nothing in the middle, only leaving the outer line of the table. Kind of like the crust of a bread, remove the middle and all you get is the crust, they were sat in the crust. (Y/n) and Nighteye sat at the head of the table, it was sort of clear who was the favorite. "For the past two weeks or so, here at Nighteye Agency, we have been...uh...conducting an independent investigation of the designated villain group known as the Shie Hassakai who've now merged with the Phantoms."

"What started all of this?" A hero questioned, "An accident involving a band of thieves called the Reservoir Dogs. The police wrote it off as a mere accident but there were a few inconsistencies that prompted our investigation. But if you're saying when the groups merged—it was some weeks before the attack on Kamino." Bubble Girl explained throughly. "Nighteye agency sidekick Centipeder, here. Under Nighteye's orders, i've been following some leads. According to my findings, the organization has been making extensive contact with outsiders and-"

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