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It was time for the fourth match

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It was time for the fourth match. The Class B team consisted of—! "On this terrain, Sero, and Jiro are definitely going to be trouble," Konjiro Bondo. "Then there's Sato and Bakugo, who both pack a punch! Their team is super balanced. If we lose the initiative in this fight, we're dead meat," Yosetsu Awase. "Who cares about all that? Just lemme carve 'em up," Togaru Kamakiri. "That's enough out of you," is what Awase scolded him with. And finally, "Early bird gets the worm! Victory is as simple as that," Setsuna Tokage.

"Time for match four!! Each class has one win and a tie from the last match. But if you're thinking they're evenly matched, think again! Because Class A's win was mostly thanks to Shinsou!! Evenly matched? I think not!!" The Class A students gasped, "That's just mean, Vlad Sensei!" (Y/n) had her hands covering Eri's precious ears from such atrocities and Sir Nighteye was ironically doing the same thing to her. "Being so cold-blooded fits the vampire motif, I guess," Midnight crossed her arms. "Still, he just loves his class a little too much!!" All Might huffed.

"That's enough!" Aizawa exclaimed, but Kaminari shot back with, "But, sensei!!! This is a legit protest!!"

"Are you planning to complain over every little failure once you go pro? Class B came up with better strategies. That much is evident. And Vlad is really showing me up!" Aizawa's words seemed to have hit the kids enough to shut their mouths. "Did we expect any better from the trouble makers?! I mean, it's no wonder that your inexperience gets you caught up in so many disasters," Monoma bursted out with his usual psychotic laughter. (Y/n) rolled her eyes, maybe more than she ever did the whole time training was going on. Kirishima and Kaminari looked at him unimpressed as usual.

"Class B has also been training and getting stronger, day by day. But I didn't expect Class A to be on the ropes like this," All Might put his input. "You like Class A, don't you, All Might?" Midnight asked. "I like all the kids!" The blonde said as if she implied differently. But (Y/n) and Nighteye didn't fail to catch his eyes when he said that, and Nighteye didn't fail to catch the second-hand determination in his daughter's eyes. 'Bakugo better beat ass or else I'm suing!!' "HURRY IT UP, SLOW POKES!!" And that was the boy himself. "But I'm trying to listen as we move!" Jiro countered.

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