87 - temp squad

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Back to the present with team Nighteye!

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Back to the present with team Nighteye!

"Here it comes again! Does this guy ever let up?! The ceiling, the walls, even the floor!! He's trying to crush us to death, we're gonna get ground into hamburgers!" The Nighteye squad was in a bit of a rough situation, Irinaka or also know as Mimic, was using his quirk to slow the team in place. As Rock Lock was screaming—the villain was using it everywhere. "Rock Lock!" The latter placed his hand on the wall, "Some leader you are, getting us into this mess! You really screwed up, here! Deadbolt!" He spun his palm in a specific way, everything froze in place. 'Anything I lock down, gets completely locked in place!'

"Over here! He ain't shifting this part for now! And don't complain about the tight quarters, at maximum security level—my lock down can't cover too many spots at once. This is the limit of my range!" All of a sudden, there were an abundance of clustered cement pillars going straight at them. "He's coming from the spots I can't pin down, look!" There was a faint glow of blue next to them. "We can't just stop now because of some stupid chunks of cement," (Y/n) stuck her hand out, "Tenth Configuration." Her palm filled with small sparks, but the energy was consistently leveling up.

"Blue Web." Solid lightning shot out of her scarred palms in a spider web design, it slashed right through the pillars but..."Good going! Your attack did nothing, Azul!" Her eye twitched, "Just wait a second, will you?" The pillars were only cut up and still hurtling towards them. "(Y/n)..!!" They braced for impact as they web seemingly disappeared, but there was a stretching sound once the pillars slowed right down before hitting them. The neon blue web showed, it was actually holding them back instead of slicing through them. "Told you," they were sent back with an explosion.

'He's probably burrowing through the shifting walls, focusing on one spot at a time.' "He's like some sort of whacked out mole," the chief speculated while everyone gawked at the sixteen year old. "Things would be going a lot smoother if team Fat was here, Eraser!" The latter nodded, "I know!" 'I only need to spot his real body to stop him. That's why he targeted me with his attack and (Y/n) because she can expose him. He must be watching us from somewhere! Somewhere in these walls...' "We ain't making any headway here! We just keep getting cornered!" 'But Irinaka is getting backed up into corner too!'

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