47 - season three, start!

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slow dancing in the dark—joji

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slow dancing in the dark—joji

slow dancing in the dark—joji

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"Just imagine it...a world without the symbol of peace. I'll show society how fragile their sense of safety is." A powder blue haired villain walked out of an abandoned building, the door audibly shut behind him as his red eyes glinted. He continued to walk down the alleyway and his footsteps resounded in it, the cracks in society continued to branch and small pieces chipped away.

Meanwhile, "So given what happened—we're on the lookout for these villains. And we've decided to cancel our usual accommodations to last minute. We won't reveal our actual destination until we depart." The class perked up at the new information "Huh?!" they questioned loudly. "But i already told my parents..." The black haired boy had a bead of sweat rolling down his temple.

"That's precisely the point, the school can't control who learns what or how." Tokoyami spoke up from behind the pretty boy. "As long as we're not cancelling the trip altogether..!" Midoriya jumped up a hearing Bakugo call out for him, not with his name or pet name of course. "Broken bones or not you should've killed him." the boy pointed out roughly.

"Come on Bakugo! Did you hear how it was for Midoriya? Besides, using quirks in a public place is illegal." Hagakure defended. "Do i care? Just break those freaking bones." the ash blonde retaliated. "Kacchan..." the green haired boy muttered out with a small scrunch up of his face. Just like that—their curtain closed...on their action packed first semester.

(Y/n) exited the classroom as she had been silent the entire time, the class glanced at each other with their worries continually growing each time. They got up and started to head to their next class together too—Bakugo bumped into her back as she had stopped only some couple of steps in front of the door way. "Move it dumb girl!" He was about to push her out of the way but paused.

She was staring at Aizawa and Shinsou walking together— he ignored it and walked around her. Midoriya also paused, he watched her grow pale and a drop of blood dropped to the floor. He watched it stain the perfectly white floor tile—red. "Hey are you okay (L/n)-san?" he made eye contact with the purple haired boy and the latter looked away with a small ____________.

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