127 - loose teeth

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Y'all, it's been more than a month

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Y'all, it's been more than a month. I'm literally so sorry, life really keeps me busy T-T.

"Sorry there, Tokoyami. Want a throat lozenge?" Komori offered the bird headed boy, patting his back in hopes of somehow calming down his coughing fit. "Keep your pity!" He barked, although the girl paid no mind. "You can get some medicine from Recovery Girl." And he only responded to that with more coughs. Only some feet away, "They require training in order to grow stronger? Absurd," a robot scoffed piteously. "We must summon the school nurse. Humans are so utterly inefficient," the other robot remarked to no one in particular. The pair held a swaying Yaoyorozu on a soft chair.

"They wrecked the place real good. Total opposite of the first match," Shinsou commented on the destruction of the field. "That's just how training is in the Hero Course," Aizawa almost sighed out. He added, "They went overboard on the destruction though."

"Fukidashi, Kendo! You should know to keep damage to a minimum!"

"Hmm...Since, we should probably switch sectors," the black haired man suggested. "You're thinking we should take a breather? Sure," Vlad King agreed. And with that, everyone traveled to a different sector, everyone sitting, gathering their groups. Eri still stuck with (Y/n). "Class B sure is full of tough customers," a class A student pointed out as chatter enveloped the new sector. "Right back atcha," another chided respectfully. "Those were some huge moves you pulled off, Fukidashi."

"But it messes up my throat! Gotta put up with the pain!" He countered. "Needless to say, it's not just their quirks. They've grown mentally too, which further enhances their quirks." Midoriya's nose was stuck in his notebook, pencil scratching at the paper rhythmically. "Writing it all down, huh?" (Y/n) muttered, fixing up her illegitimate daughter's hair to perfection. "You've grown too. Deku, (Y/n)," a bubbly voice interjected. "Thanks Ochaco." And the boy replied with, "I hope so." Anddd another voice chimed in with, "Not as much as me, though." The white haired girl scoffed at the purple toddler, making him pout.

"(Y/n)! Midoriya!"

"Yes?" The two answered in unison, turning.

"I am here...unremarkably!" And anyone could guess who that was. "You two got a minute?" All Might waved them over and (Y/n) ushered Eri to go with Mirai, giving her a reassuring smile before they both walked away. "Those three're chummy," Mina pouted her lips a bit. "Any weirdness since you-know-what? And any new developments with you?" The former number one hero asked the two. "No, not really," they replied in unison once more, giving each other a flitting glance. "I see. I'm planning to ask Gran Torino if my master ever mentioned anything. In the meantime, watch yourselves, okay?"

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