02 - first day & quirk assessment test

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two weeks later

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two weeks later

It's already been two weeks since the entrance exam, my burns have healed nicely and there wasn't any scarring thankfully. Still waiting for the letter, I laid sprawled on my dark green couch. 'So boring...' There was knocking on the apartment door making me sit up in confusion.

'Right the letter..!' Quickly getting up, the blue hair girl speedily walked towards the front door and slammed it open—surprising the mail man who just continued on to hand her the envelope with a red wax stamp. "Good luck." The mail man wished and I nodded "Thank you," was muttered under my breath and I shut the door, not before grabbing the box that the man also handed me.

Ripping the white envelope open while setting down the box— a weird disc fell out of the inside. It clattered on the floor and then a hologram popped up effectively surprising me enough to stumble and choke on my saliva. "BOO-YA! I am here, to give you your results!"

'All Might?' I squinted and kneeled down on the floor observing the hologram. "Young (L/n) I am proud to say—as a new teacher—that you scored first place in the practical portion of the entrance exam. The score of the number of villains you had defeated is sixty eight points in total. But..!" The symbol of peace paused.

'Just say it already.' My eye twitched at the dramatic pause. "There was a secret part of the test, rescue points!" I furrowed my eyebrows "Rescue points?" I repeated in interest under my breath. "Rescue points..! The score you got for saving people in need—what a hero does—was seventy eight points, therefore earning you one hundred and forty six points."

I blinked once, twice and a third time. "As for the written exam you tied first place with two other recommendation students. Great work young (L/n), i expect great things from you..! Plus ultra! This is your hero academia!" The hologram turned off with a click.

Small drops of water splattered on the floor as i sniffled slightly— still in shock i didn't realized the salty liquid running down from my eyes to my cheeks and to the floor. Realizing what just happened i jumped up and covered my mouth with my hand. 'Are you proud of me mom? I got in, i'm going to be a hero...!'

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