49 - freaky spinster

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There were rustles heard and the three adults perked up, they got the bucket of ice and water ready. (Y/n) appeared, she was in a fairly rough shape—there were gashes all over arms and surprisingly legs. Her uniform shirt was torn and dirty while her face was scratched up all over. Her nose was bleeding—the blood traveled to her neck. "Did you really have to...give me all of the big monsters?"

She limped and fell face flat—a groan passed her lips as the grass dug into her skin. "Aw come on little kitten! You did great, your classmates still have a long way to go even if they have smaller monsters." Pixie Bob tried to encourage but failed as the girl groaned out louder. "You look like shit." She sent a glare towards the black haired man "At least i don't look like shit everyday stupid old geeze-!"

Ice cold water was poured onto her body making her relax—her forearms muscles had stretched and it hurt. "More." She was still overheated—the water had evaporated only some seconds after touching her skin. "Woah! How hot does your fire get? The water evaporated by just touching your skin." Mandalay got closer and poked the girls cheek.

"Ouch!" she flinched back as a small touch was enough to burn. Her finger turned red and she blew on it "Now...who in the right mind..?" (Y/n) pinched the bridge of her nose with a sigh. "Hey Kota! Bring the hose!" the little boy did as told but with the same scowl. "Who's the kid?" she questioned and stayed up in the same position on the ground but with her face turned to look at the people around her. "Mandalays second cousins son." she nodded.

The little boy brung the hose over and walked away after—Aizawa took the chance and hosed the girl off. It only took five minutes for her skin heat to cool down, but she was still hot. "Go take a shower—the hotsprings will be for later today." she stood up weakly and followed Mandalay who lead her throughout the camp. The girls and boys were separated so she put her suitcase in the room—and took out different clothes to use.

The soap made her gashes sting but the blood washed away—thankfully she brung another towel to dry herself with for the rest of the week. The one she used after the shower was now stained with blood, there was a knock at the door. "Might want to hurry up, the Pussy Cats want you to help them make dinner." she rolled her eyes and slid her tank top on. "Okay, i'll be right there." she placed her dark blue track pants on and some socks.

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