108 - 'How could I not've noticed before...'

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"I just came to fight that Weak Point guy

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"I just came to fight that Weak Point guy...but you...you'll do just fine as a replacement. Little Sasaki...it's such a pleasure to meet you..."

"You can call me, Ryuk."

"How 'bout we get this over with? Damn lowlife...your ugly face makes me want to vomit." (Y/n) was lying. He was sort of attractive, but everything else he's done to people canceled all of it out. Her expression was deathly calm for someone who had just carried a plane into a baseball stadium. Also for someone who had split that same plane in half with just the armor that was currently degenerating from her forearms and back into the rings on her middle fingers. "No...don't let her fight him..!" Weak Point strained out as he sat himself up from the gurney he was placed on.

"Let us help you (Y/n)! You said you wouldn't do this alone...so don't you take that back now!" Kirishima yelled, but the pros' wouldn't stop holding them back. It was getting obnoxious. The two ready to battle were up in the air. The blue haired girl took out her pen and twirled it around to mode two, (refer to the end chapter 36 where the scythe modes are!!) A dual red bladed scythe. "All of you, scram. You pros oughta get my classmates out of this place. Todoroki, Bakugo. Your permission to engage combat has been revoked, get the class out of here. Midoriya, Iida, you're in charge."

"But (Y/n)! We can't leave you here, what if-" Midoriya was cut off, "What did I say? Beat it." She didn't want to be harsh, but this was the only way they wouldn't get hurt. "You bitch!! Get down here so I can knock some sense into you!! That punk is mine!" Bakugo waved his fist around but her eyes became sharper. "Everything I say goes through one ear and comes out the other..." Her voice turned monotone, nothing like her usual voice tones. "You have quite a lot of people that worry for your well being. Why is that? Does this have to do with one's quirk?"

'Nanami wasn't lying. This guy talks about quirks like they're out of the ordinary.' "Are you some sort of stalker? You've got some nerve cabron. Showing up out of no where, hurting Nanamin. Turning people into curses like that, you're sick. I don't know how your bitchass walked through my storm like nothing...but you're not walking out of here with all your limbs on your body. Got that? Hijo de puta." (Y/n) was pissed off. "If I'm sick...what does that make you? Everyone here overlooks everything you do and don't do because of your name...pretty odd."

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