38 - shes not going crazy...maybe

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A small shiver went down (Y/n)s spine, she had just finished watching the Hero Killers video

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A small shiver went down (Y/n)s spine, she had just finished watching the Hero Killers video. "Failed To Load" It was true, it would be immediately taken down after people watched it. It was also the day that she would have to go back to school— she had everything packed already. She pocketed her phone as Mirko appeared with a fond smile.

"Im gonna miss ya' pipsqueak, take care of yourself alright? Remember what i taught you!" the woman brought her into a choke hold and rubbed her head with her fist. "You-re killin-g me!" the girl slapped on her arms and she let go. "I'll miss you too Mirko-san, thank you for everything..!" she bowed deeply making the hero blink in surprise.

"It's my job kid! Call me Rumi!" Her blue eyes sparkled "Okay!" the ex-vigilante grabbed the indent of the sliding doors and slid them open a bit. Rumi pursed her lips and her ears slightly drooped— she reached out to pat the girls head "Don't light yourself on fire to keep others warm baby carrot." she watched as her interns eyes water a bit and she was tackled into a hug.

"Thank you..." the woman hesitantly hugged back with a smile— they let go and (Y/n) walked out. "Bye Mi-chan!" Her eye twitched "What type of name is that pipsqueak!" she heard the blue haired girl cackle loudly as she ran away from the hero. "Dammit!" Even with the harsh words, Mirko smiled as she watched the girl walk away with brand new strength but the same determination that had no limit.

Yeah, (N/n)s gonna be a great hero— but it was going to be boring without her. (Y/n) was back in her apartment—Lucerito greeted the girl with loud wails and meows. He missed her a lot, so he immediately cuddled into the girls warmth when she flopped onto the bed. The girl had arrived only some minutes ago, it was five in the morning— she had left Mirko early because of the long train ride.

But sadly, it was still a school day— so, she went into the bathroom to take a shower. Her gray cat waited outside of the door patiently, she definitely felt way stronger than before. The training regimen that she had to abide by could almost count as torture—it definitely pushed through her limits and that damn protein smoothie was just— geez.

Getting out of the cold shower— (Y/n) stared at her body for the first time after the training she endured. If she didn't what change meant before she definitely knew it now— her biceps were larger, only a tad but still stronger than before. Her abs got more toned and her face only got a bit slimmer, she sort of had chubby cheeks ever since she was younger but not enough to say that she looked like a chipmunk.

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