46 - the monster

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"E-Everyone sniff im looking forward t-to hearing all your stories of sniff h-how fun sniff the camp was

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"E-Everyone sniff im looking forward t-to hearing all your stories of sniff h-how fun sniff the camp was." Mina, Kaminari, Sato and Kirishima—otherwise known as the ones who failed the practical exams, had a gloomy aura surrounding them. "Maybe they'll end up letting you go—there might be a last minute twist or something!" Midoriya tried to cheer them up but was stopped as Sero put his hand on his shoulder. "Stop midoriya, by saying that out loud, you're just jinxing them.."

The pretty boy sighed as Kaminari had comical swirls around him along with the same purple  and gloomy aura. "They said whoever failed the exams will have to skip training camp and learn in summer school hell. We didn't pass the practicals so we're doomed. Don't you get it Midoriya!" he yelled about to poke the green haired boy in the eyes but (Y/n) quickly grabbed his wrist yanking him back.

"What the fuck Kaminari!" she clutched her eyes—she got poked instead of the boy she yanked back. "Or did All Might knock all the brains out of you!" the electric boy yelled in despair as he dramatically fell back onto her, she caught him while her eyes were still shut. She pat his head "Ease up Kaminari." she rubbed her eyes. "She's right, i'm not sure i'll get to go either. Our team only passed thanks to Mineta, i got knocked out and since we don't know how they're scoring them stuff, i might have flunked." the black haired boy explained.

Kaminari trembled even more, (Y/n) continued to rub her eyes and the two behind her were fussing over it. "Chill out, im cool." Comical streams of tears ran down the yellow haired boys face as he clutched the girl tighter. "At least bring us some camp souvenirs please!" The door had slammed open and everyone was already in their seats "Once the bell rings you should be in your seats." Aizawa stood at the entrance of the classroom with a stack papers under his arm.

The class was silent "Morning, unfortunately there are a few of you who did not pass your final exams. So when it comes to the training camp in the woods..." the gloomy aura intensified "...everyone is going!" the teacher gave a shit eating grin as the four who failed, moods changed. "It's a last minute twist!" they yelled out simultaneously. "Wait we really get to go to camp?!" Kirishima asked in slight disbelief but excitement. Mina clenched her fists in front of her as she smiled a teary eyed smile "Seriously?!"

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