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"Things are now moving along! At present we have fifty two, no

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"Things are now moving along! At present we have fifty two, no...fifty three passing examinees! One after another at this point, and many are claiming more than two victims each, since we currently have more than seven hundred disqualified students! And there's number fifty four, more than halfway there now. So let's hurry up and finish this thing!" The sound of ice spreading and shaping was heard throughout the area in which Todoroki had just finished taking down his opponents.

He let out a small breath as his frostbite melted when he activated the left side of his quirk. 'Still can't use my left and right simultaneously...i should train with (N/n) more. It's slowing me down.' His targets lit up and proceeded to beep twice, "You've passed, so please proceed to the reception room, quickly now." The data on who has passed and who has failed is all sent via those targets, they sync up with their hosts and balls, and measure things like distance and motion in order to determine who's doing the hitting and who's getting hit.

Once attached—they cannot be removed without a special magnet key. The dual haired boy looked up to the sign, "Anteroom" and an arrow that pointed to its location. He entered, "Seriously?! I also freakin' love Stampman! He's one hot blooded hero!" It was the Shiketsu guy—he noticed (Y/n) and Junior behind him. Without hesitation, he walked over to the trio, "Please calm down Yoarashi—i think your enthusiasm is scaring him." The brown haired boy sweat dropped. "I agree with-"

"Oh hey! Shoto!" The blue haired girl cut herself off and brightened up immediately at the new arrival of her darling. "Oi! Shoto!" Junior also brightened up, though Yoarashi...not as much. The latters pupils dilated, he shut his mouth and pressed his lips into a thin line. "Were you guys the first ones here?" The two nodded with beaming smiles. "You totally should've seen 'Roki, we beat ass!" He wrapped his arm around his shoulders. "We were the first three to arrive, but yeah, we did."

Yoarashi snapped out of it and his previously pressed lips turned into a grin. He slapped (Y/n)s back and she choked, 'Why is he so rough with me dammit?!' The two others jumped at the sudden action, "For sure! Though, (Y/n)-chan was the one who was the most fired up! I admire that!" She rose an eyebrow at the use of her given name but laughed it off, "Yup." Shoto stared at the boy in confusion, why did he look at him like that? He didn't know Yoarashi, right?

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