70 - blue blur of hope

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beautiful is boring—bones uk

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beautiful is boring—bones uk

The Same Day Of The Exam, After, 6:45 pm

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The Same Day Of The Exam, After, 6:45 pm

(Y/n) stared at the small index card on her bed, there was a bouquet of white roses. She was confused, did someone just...leave it there? Lucerito trailed behind her and jumped on the bed, the cat sniffed the roses and sneezed adorably. She got closer to the flowers and leaned down—Meet me outside of the gates at 7 pm, wear something formal, it's a date - Kai. That name—she remembered something, but surely it would've been destroyed during Kamino, right?

She brought her wrist up to her ear and closed her eyes, she could obviously hear her abnormal heart beat but another thing. "It's a tracker, you might want to watch out for this guy (Y/n)-chan. He gives me weird vibes? Is that what you kids call it these days?" She mentally nodded at Yoichi, "You got it right, don't worry." She could hear the faint beeping of the metal in her wrist, she looked back at the card again. 'A date? How weird, we only met once though—but it would be good to investigate him.'

'..I'm kinda bored of just being here too.' Most of the class was resting and doing their own things in their rooms, so it was decided. (Y/n) (L/n) would go on her first date, how fun. Blue lightning flashed through her eyes and she was already out of the shower—her eyes glowed and the water evaporated from her body. Kai had said 7 pm, it was already 6:50 pm, now the biggest challenge—what to wear. She kept the towel wrapped around her body and sped towards her closet.

Lucerito watched as his owner held up random pieces of clothes but threw them behind her if she wasnt satisfied with it. What would be the color theme? Would she be able to match it with her shoes? So many options but none of them seemed to please her, 'Dammit! Why isn't there anything? I don't even know what style, he said formal though but i think a suit would be too much.' She threw the red suit to the side, discarding the idea of that completely, even if it would be a power move.

'I guess a dress would be fine, i don't have any skirts to wear since they don't fit anymore. I should get rid of some clothes..' She glanced at the mess and looked away to leave it for later, maybe she was procrastinating a bit but that was fine. She went back to rummage through her closet—her cat slowly drowning in the seemingly endless clothes. There was a dark red satin dress, she threw it behind her—her eyes flashed blue and the dress was back in her clutches. 'Cute...' The length was perfect and there were double slits to show her thighs.

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