19 - (Y/N) (L/N): ORIGIN

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"Come on ama, it's my birthday! So you have to smile— okay?" a small blue haired girl pulled on the cheeks of her mother who tried to strain a smile— but ultimately failed

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"Come on ama, it's my birthday! So you have to smile— okay?" a small blue haired girl pulled on the cheeks of her mother who tried to strain a smile— but ultimately failed. It had been almost a year since the "training" started and Aiko could barely take it. She didn't like seeing her daughter hurt but she has to stay strong.

"I'm sorry cariño, but i'll try my best— for you." The small girl cheered "Does this mean we can have cake!" she had a big smile on her face as her eyes were wide and happy. There was a small uplifting of the brown haired woman's lips. "We can't have that otherwise your fa-"

"Hes not my father, who cares what he thinks! I'll protect you if he tries to do anything, i promise! I've been getting stronger and with that i can get us out of here mom!" (Y/n)s cheeks puffed out and her lips pouted. "Even if we get out— he'll find us darling. We'll have something small, one day you'll be able to have a big cake for your birthday!"

"Really?!" the girls happiness came back "Can we have a strawberry one! Oh oh— or a coconut one. Abuelita can make it too!" she tugged on her mother's pretty white dress bouncing in excitement. "You can have all the cake you want!" Aiko lifted up the five year old and spun around with her.

'Im sorry, i won't be there to celebrate.'

Chains rattled on the walls of the training room as well as heavy breathing was heard. 'Faster!' (Y/n) whipped the chains at a greater speed than before and it blew a hole in the punching bag. It fell to the floor— it had been almost a week and a half that the two weeks before the sports festival started. The blue haired girl had been exhausting herself and pushing through her limits.

Now she was able to conjure the neon chains at a greater speed than before— she hadn't used them since that building accident so it was fairly hard to manipulate them again. Her phone started buzzing mid-conjure and the chains vanished 'The hell?' She took off her gloves and picked up the black cased phone.


"Happy birthday (Y/n)-chan!" she heard an enthusiastic voice call out from the other side, she pursed her lips. "Thank you Hizashi, where's Shouta?" the blue haired girl sat down criss cross on the floor. "That's what i was calling you about— he said he can't make it." Her lips twitched downwards "What do you mean he can't make it?"

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