22 - pretty girls in skirts have bitch boys

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careless whisper— george michael

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careless whisper— george michael

(Y/n) walked inside of the stadium hallways, she couldn't find the vending machines anywhere

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(Y/n) walked inside of the stadium hallways, she couldn't find the vending machines anywhere. It was starting to get frustrating, plus she was sort of drowsy— the chains were draining so she needed something to eat or a drink at least. She turned the corner and thankfully she found them, in a flash she was already pressing the buttons on the machine.

"I am here!" She jumped with a small scream and clutched the vending machine. The blue haired girl stared at the tall figure that towered over her. "You scared me All Might!" There was a comical poof and he turned into his skinny form— the man coughed out blood. The girl took out a pink handkerchief and handed it to him with a worried frown.

"Are you okay All Might?" she stood up from her previous position. "It's fine young (Y/n), but call me Toshinori Yagi." the blonde suggested and the blue haired girl grabbed her milk from the vending machine "Okay, Toshinori Yagi." The hero sweat dropped "Just one name (Y/n)..."

"I'm calling you Toshi." she grabbed another milk from the vending machine and tossed it towards the tall man. "You can call me (N/n), it's only fair. Only in this form though, otherwise it'll seem weird." He sweat dropped again but that was discarded as his eyes sparkled "That spider thing was really unique, i've never seen anything like it!"

(Y/n) rubbed her nape with a small blush, she'll never get used to the number one hero— who is cool as fuck—praise her. "Thank you Toshi, but it took a lot of time to master it. I've actually been trying for years— i wasn't sure if i was able to pull it off now." She sipped on the straw of the carton. "Well you did, and it was really amazing!" He pumped his fists up.

"You've been at the top the whole festival, a lot of the heroes have their eyes on you. I am certain you'll rack up lots of scouts." All Might nudged her with his elbow. "To be honest, i actually always wanted to be an underground hero like Shouta— or stay in the shadows like when i was a vigilante." The man let out a hum "What changed?"

"In order to change— fix, or make an impact on society— i have to be someone at the top. No one will listen to someone they know nothing about or how powerful they truly are. I was the reason- well, half of the reason that the underworld had been staying quiet for so much time."

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