23 - one on one battles

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Final Round: One on One battles!

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Final Round: One on One battles!

"Come closer and draw lots to see who you're up against. Then enjoy the pleasure of the recreational games before we start. The 16 finalists have the option of participating in those activities or sitting out to prepare for battle. I'm sure you all want to conserve your stamina, i'll start with the first place team."

Everyone stood in the middle of the field in the stadium— Midnight had a box in her arms where the students would draw lots. "Um, excuse me—sorry, but i'm withdrawing." All of the first year students who made it to the next round turned to the tailed boy in confusion. "Ojiro, no way." the green haired boy— along with many others gasped in disbelief.

"This is a rare chance for you to get scouted!" Iida reminded the blonde. "It just wouldn't be right, i barely remember anything from the calvary battle until the very end of it. I think it was that guys quirk." (Y/n) followed his gaze and ended up making eye contact with a familiar purple headed boy. 'Right, brain washing if i recall.'

"I know that this is a great opportunity— i wish i could take advantage of it but my conscience won't let me." Ojiro clenched his fists in frustration. "Just think about this..!" Midoriya tried to change his mind or at least give the boy some type of reassurance. "I did okay!" the light blonde shouted. "Everyone gave their all in round two but i was just someone's puppet."

"No way— i don't want to advance if i don't even know how i got here. It wouldn't be fair." The blue haired girl watched as multiple of his friends— or her classmates, tried to change his mind but they also failed. "It's not that, it's about my pride here. I refuse to give that up." he insisted before adding "Also, why are all the girls, Mineta and Kaminari dressed up as cheerleaders?"

They blushed in embarrassment but (L/n) only sweat dropped. Another person from class 1-B came up and withdrew for the same reason. "Listen to these guys! They're so manly." The spiky red haired boy cried out with small trails of tears running down his face. "Why are you crying?" The ash blonde and blue haired duo deadpanned simultaneously.

They looked back at each other with glares "Here's another weird turn of events!" Hizashi spoke on the mic— normally, weird right? "Let's see what Midnight has to say about this, after all she's the one in charge." Aizawa pointed out. "This sort of talk is incredibly naive boys, that's turns me on! Shoda, Ojiro—you're withdrawn!" the woman whipped her whip as everyone paused.

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