12 - "I- That's why your ties are ugly!"

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'He made me drop my strawberry sando, i was enjoying that too

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'He made me drop my strawberry sando, i was enjoying that too.' (Y/n)s lips twitched downwards as the powder blue haired man stared at her with a blush. The two had bumped into each other— making the poor blue haired girls breakfast drop. She caught the man at the last second.

So now here they were, her hand caught his wrist and pulled him up along with the arm that swung around his back. His face flushed a deep scarlet tone 'Shit...he's so pretty.' She already liked this guy— his eyes were a pretty red color too. "Are you okay Sir?" the girl asked with a raised eyebrow.

Tomura hasn't had physical contact with anyone except his master— let alone girls. Of course men his age probably party all the time, get black out drunk with their friends but he's a villain. So when a—he guesses—pretty girl touches him and caught him from a possible scrape...

his heart started to beat erratically. Was he sick or something? Heart problems? Who knows, but this girl was really pretty. She stood out from most people due to the fact that she had birthmarks— those are rare, he caught a glimpse of a scythe? Shapes birth mark on her neck, it was small but still there.

Another thing— she has weird red eyeliner, it seemed natural though. He was confused, she look foreign too. Her skin color—not that it matters— was darker than the normal people in Japan. It would make people steal glances but not as much as other things.

The blue haired girl was wearing black pants, a red cardigan above a short sleeve white button up shirt, she had a black tie but with red hearts all over it— it was oddly cute. Tomura doesn't find things cute often at all, so when he saw that tie— he meant it when he thought it was cute. She looks pretty in red—maybe a part of him feels bad for making her drop her probable breakfast.

Actually—yeah, no— he doesn't feel bad at all. "Are you okay sir?" Yeah, she was foreign— she carried a slightly heavy accent when she spoke, the fact that her voice was already smooth and silky made the accent stand out even more. He tried to keep his cool but she was so warm. His face heated up "Yeah, l-let me go."

The powder blue haired man wiggled out of her grip— he stuttered, curse his overwhelmed state. He started scratching his eyes, (Y/n) felt a sense of familiarity— or maybe she was just saying that because he was scratching his face. Just himself in general— before she herself could think, she grabbed his wrist again.

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