05 - her impulses

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"I AM HERE!" The classroom door was slammed open but a bulky figure with a cape

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"I AM HERE!" The classroom door was slammed open but a bulky figure with a cape. (Y/n) jumped up from her previous slumber in alert— her adrenaline vanished as she realized what was going on. It was already the afternoon of the second day of U.A.

Hero basic training would start now, the blue haired girl though was drained. She wanted to go to sleep but couldn't— pity. "COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A HERO!" Her ears slightly rang at the obnoxious and optimistic voice of the symbol of peace.

Don't get her wrong or anything, she had nothing against him but Jesus, this man is loud and (Y/n) does not want to put up with it. "COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A HERO!" The blonde pro struck a pose on the doorway. The class had erupted in gasps of shock or cheers, All Might started walking towards the podium.

'Why is he walking like that...is he constipated?' the blue haired girl raised an eyebrow. "Welcome to the most important class in U.A high! Think of it as heroing 101, here you will learn the basics of being a pro; and what it means to fight for the name of good! LETS GET INTO IT— TODAYS LESSON WILL PULL NO PUNCHES!"

The symbol of peace pumped his fist up while holding a card "BATTLE" 'Too loud.' (Y/n) could see the ash blonde some seats in front of her— grin menacingly. "Fight training!" he was basically vibrating in excitement. "Real combat?" the green haired boy squeaked out in worry.

'Maybe he's scared because his quirk breaks his bones— i wonder what it would look like if he could control it.'

"But one of the keys of being a hero is...LOOKING GOOD!" All Might took out a remote with a little red button and pressed it, the wall opened showing cases with numbers. 'Right, i remember now. I guess what i chose was okay.' (Y/n) started to tap her finger on her thigh impatiently.

"These were designed based on your quirk registration forms and the request you sent in before school started." The hero explained before adding "Get yourselves suited up and meet me in ground beta!" He zoomed out of class and everyone got up immediately. The blue haired girl waited patiently so she wouldn't get squished in the students gathering.

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