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This is the first elimination round of the provisional license exam, it's a ball-chucking mayhem on this multi-faceted field!! All examinees have placed three targets on their bodies and they each get six balls to use

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This is the first elimination round of the provisional license exam, it's a ball-chucking mayhem on this multi-faceted field!! All examinees have placed three targets on their bodies and they each get six balls to use. If all three targets are hit, then you're outta there! The first hundred examinees to knock two participants out get to move on. "The whole "first hundred examinees" thing makes you think this is all about actively attacking but maybe not—am i right?"

"Unity cooperation and intel gathering are the real keys here, those lured in by the first to finish rule will start to panic and get beaten at their own game." The smoke cleared to show most of class A on guard and ready to use their quirks. "They're repelling most of them." A person on top of one of the cliffs pointed out the obvious. "Yup, this alone won't be enough to take down U.A kids." Shindo grinned and the same person as before—started to clutch one of their balls, rolling it. "But well, now we've seen what they're made of.."

The balls became sharp edged and rock looking, "Your turn." He tossed it to the boy with long black hair also from before. "My turn indeed." He caught the balls, (Y/n) noticed the stance he was taking on and backed up. "Apologies in advance for possibly being the first to pass this exam, everyone. But given that i'll be reducing their numbers—perhaps you can forgive me. Target lock on!" The balls shot into the ground, 'I don't need to waste my speed for these people just yet.'

'I can beat them without my quirks and we already have someone that can counter, but i won't underestimate them.' The ground rumbled and small chains shot into the ground without anyone noticing, "The balls are going underground!" Midoriya looked down at the dirt that created trails. 'The target is set, and with the trajectory hidden underground they can't react in time. Not even (L/n).' He was wrong, but it was obvious everyone was going for (L/n)—multiple people were hidden in places, waiting for the right time to attack her.

"Everyone get back! This is my job!" Jiro ordered as she ran towards the front, the class jumped back or into the air. The blue haired girl reeled her chains back into her hands and used float, but jumped up to make it discreet. "Amplifier Jack: Heartbeat Distortion!" She slammed her new support items to the ground and there was a loud heart beat—it broke up the ground immediately. 'Almost reminds me of Juniors quirk.' She landed on her feet, "Oh! She's digging up the balls."

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