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—space song, beach house - mrs

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—space song, beach house - mrs.magic, strawberry guy - care for you, the marias - virgen, adolescents orquesta.

the same day, around 5:00 pm

"If you plan to come out, please hurry up and do so. They may be disfigured beyond saving, but murdering people still makes me sick." Nanami tugged at his collar as the blood of the "curses" he took down—dripped from his wrapped up weapon. Footsteps sounded from the shadowed side of the sewer. "A hero...aren't you? I hope you're not too weak, the experiment won't work if so." It was the man with purple and white patches of skin. "I hate putting in overtime if I don't have to. So let's finish this quickly." The blonde ran at the dark haired male and immediately swung his weapon.

Ryuk—the other male's name—swiftly dodged by angling himself backwards. The hero swung his weapon multiple times, the other only dodged. 'He's awfully agile...' He jumped back when Nanami tried to deliver a high kick, and it went on like that. The blonde delivering series of attacks but the other only dodging, that was until he landed a harsh kick. The patchwork of a man had risen his arms up in an X form, but the kick sent him backwards. Nanami's quirk activated in an instant Ryuk's guard was down, blank line plots appeared on his arms. He raised his arms in defense once more.

It was proven futile once the seven to three ratio was hit. Ryuk was hit on the wrist, which ended up with him having a severed hand—half severed hand?? It was hanging onto his bone. He paused, "Hm? I thought I blocked it, you actually hurt me. What? Was that your so called quirk?" Nanami raised his weapon and furrowed his eyebrows, "What do you mean? I hate abstract questions that leave interpretation to others," he briefed. "That's good, but you don't hate chatting do you?" He ever so stoically tilted his head. "Not at this time," 'He's rather odd. For a villain at least.'

'I'm sure this is the guy turning normal people into those curses, so Tsukauchi was correct.' "Hey, tell me. Which do you think came first? The soul or the body?" Nanami hummed in confusion, "C'mon. You know, it's just like the age old chicken or the egg question. Which of them came first? Do you think the soul resides in the body? Or do you think it's the other way around and the body forms around the soul?" 'I suppose I have to listen to this.' "The former," the blonde replied. "Uh uh. It's the second one." He raised his arm to show his skin morphing, "The soul comes first and so exists before the body."

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