72 - Kacchan versus Deku

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italics—Midoriya povbold—Bakugo pov

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italics—Midoriya pov
bold—Bakugo pov

italics—Midoriya povbold—Bakugo pov

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"This is...Ground Beta." Midoriya muttered out after him and Bakugo both arrived to their destination, the ash blonde had ordered the green boy to follow him earlier that night. "I fought you here during our first battle training, it's where i lost to you." They gazed up at the exact building. "And i've felt like crap about it ever since." I somehow knew this was it, he shifted his head to look back at the broccoli boy as his hair covered his eyes. "A worthless, quirkless wonder like you...somehow got into U.A of all places."

"And somehow got a quirk of his own." They both recalled to when Midoriya admitted that his power was borrowed power and declared that he would make it his own someday. "You we're always the little weirdo, spouting cryptic crap and making that face like you were the only one in on the joke. Climbing higher and higher..." Bakugo grinned with no humor or amusement behind it. "Since the whole sludge thing...nah, since All Might first came to town really. Higher and higher, and higher and now you've got your license."

"While i don't, i mean, what the hell, seriously?" It was as if he was stuck in a dream, a shitty one at that. "I wouldn't say it necessarily reflects our actual abilities, but rather-" He was cut off. "Shut up and listen, you gutter trash!!" The ash blonde yelled at him, "This whole time, i've felt crappy about it, it's been pissing me off. But then—after the Kamino business and (L/n)s situation, whatever the hell it's called or even was, i got this idea." That borrowed power, you made it your own, huh? That's what he said.

"See, i've been thinking that..." There it was, "You got your quirk...from All Might." Sweat trickled down Midoriyas body, "Y'know that big bad boss villain that killed her? Apparently he can suck up quirks to use or just give away, hard to believe but that one cat lady lost hers and can't be a hero anymore. And (L/n)s stupid new power that hurts her, she lied to me when i asked her if it was possible to fuck around with quirks. She lied, so she knew, then there're those freaking Nomu things with multiple quirks. So i'm pretty darn sure."

"All Might and the boss mook seemed to know each other, (L/n), again—she knew him. I'm sure it's because of her crappy dad, we know it's possible to transfer quirks. And we know that it wasn't the first time those three met, then there's your whole "i got it from someone else," thing. When you met All Might—that's when everything changed, and All Might lost his strength, you and (L/n) were the only ones who understood him differently. All Might wouldn't gimmie a straight answer, so i'm coming to you."

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