110 - fun, fun, fun & candy apples

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"My name is Romeo! Now hear me, Count Paris, Phantom of Azkaban! I shall be taking back my Juliet!" Monoma declared with a sword in his hand as he faced Count Paris, or rather, Tetsutetsu

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"My name is Romeo! Now hear me, Count Paris, Phantom of Azkaban! I shall be taking back my Juliet!" Monoma declared with a sword in his hand as he faced Count Paris, or rather, Tetsutetsu. "But Romeo...what Obi-Wan told you about your father...That he was king of Gondor...that was a lie. I am your father!" The lights flickered and a thunder roll sound effect went off. "NOOOOO!"

"Talk about the ultimate crossover event!!"

"That was nuts!"

"It was kinda funny how they were so into it."

"Wish we could've seen class B's play..." (Y/n) pouted. "That's just how it is, we gotta clean up the mess we made!" Sero pat her back consolingly. "Being late wasn't the issue, but at least pick up your phone," All Might was scolding his successor. "I ran out without it...in a hurry..." He looked down. "Check your missed calls, you'll be shocked." (Y/n) looked over to the two, "Somebody's in trouble...don't go too hard on him, All Might." She smiled with a sharp look in her eye, making the blonde nervously look away and place his hands on his hips. "I'm sorry for making everyone worry..."

"I got the gist from Ecto."

"Good job back there," the latter complimented.

"Don't go thinking what you did was right!!" Hound Dog appeared in front of Midoriya. "The show didn't get canceled because you weren't hurt to bad!" The blue haired girl furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "But that doesn't make it okay! You're still a student here, with only a provisional license! When there's a fight, you rely on us! We're here to protect you kids...This goes for you too (L/n)! We've been letting you off the hook but the stadium incident was it!" She pouted again. "Right," the two teens replied. "Wipe those looks of your mugs and get going."



"The festival's still on, so, have fun dammit!!"

(Y/n) caught the thrown—by Hound Dog— Midoriya by the collar. "Huh?!" But the force of the throw took her with him. "Look, Eri! (Y/n) and Midoriya came flying at us!" The landed on the ground, "Oh. You're here, senpai." Meanwhile, Hound Dog was catching his breath from the yelling. "Thank you, Hound Dog," All Might expressed his gratitude. "HOWLLLLLLLLLL MIGHT!" He was gripped by the sides of his arms while the two front strands of his hair stood up on their own. "ROWF! GRRRRR...." The blonde was thrashed around with comical smoke enveloping the two.

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