95 - 'Who was that?'

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"Thank you all so much, really

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"Thank you all so much, really." The teacher of the class of kids—bowed to Gang Orca, Mic and Mera. "Keep back. They're dangerous." Todoroki gently swatted his hands to keep the kids back from Bakugo and (Y/n) who were mercilessly destroying the big ice structure. "So I'm on clean up duty, huh?! Fine by me...I'll just blast everything to hell!" A scary grin stitched onto his face, "Oh yeah?! Not before I do!" The blue haired girl stood on the tippy top of the structure. "Thanks a whole lot for being such a team player, for real." Camie smiled but Bakugo was only focused on making the other girl tumble down.

"Everyone got to play, so everyone cleans up!" Inasa announced with his arms getting thrown up into the air. "Okaaaaay!" The little kids cheered while jutting their cleaning supplies into the air. "Hey, Five Wieners! My quirk can eat up the ice pieces and make 'em disappear!" It was the boy with the shark teeth, the same as Kirishima's. "Is that so? And it's Shoto, not Five Wieners." Booms sounded behind them, which were (Y/n) and Bakugo demolishing everything in their path. Junior joined in on the fun as well. "Your quirk would really shine in urban disaster rescue efforts."

He held up his sweeping pan, "Shine?! Heck yeah it would!" He yelled. "I never thought they'd be this impressionable," the short haired teacher rubbed her hands together. "They always were, and that was the real danger. Their behavior forced us adults to look in the mirror, and well. Unleashing their quirks on people without hesitation is an educational concern. We may be heroes but we won't always be around to keep and eye on them. Teaching them about quirks is up to you ma'am." Gang Orca explained to her, making sure she understood what an important role she had.

"Right! The trainees gave the kids and I a valuable opportunity today. I don't want that going to waste, so I'll use this chance to teach them and guide them," she reassured. "Hey, hey. Miss sensei teacher." The latter sort of let out a muffled scream of fright. She looked around to locate the source of the voice but couldn't find anything. "You shouldn't scare people like that (Y/n)." Gang Orca let himself point an accusing finger to the figure floating above the woman. "I just have to tell you something miss." She looked up and smiled softly, "What may I help you with (L/n)?"

"Don't let these kids get corrupted by their powerful quirks, please. And check their families, a lot of times—parents can be putting too much pressure on them. Especially because of their powers, tell them that they can be whatever they want to be. And that other people don't have a say in what they choose to do with their quirks. Please." (Y/n) didn't want someone else to end up like her and she didn't want another kid to be suffering because of their quirks. She had dropped down to the floor in the middle of her talking, so it was easy for the woman to hug her.

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