84 - Go!!

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Until the coalition could ascertain Eri and the Seven Deadly Sin's location, the U

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Until the coalition could ascertain Eri and the Seven Deadly Sin's location, the U.A students were on standby. All except for (Y/n), she placed herself on the front lines without question. The pro heroes didn't retaliate against her decisions. It was optional for Asui, Uraraka and Kirishima to join the operation, they decided that they would. But the heroes deemed them as small support since they were still kids, all of them were pumped to rescue them. Though the blue haired girl was preparing, "This is going to be the fight of your life (Y/n), you know you can run faster."

"I know Barry, just let me get to Mishima first, Kaina said that she had something there for me. The little purple or red house, I don't really remember the color. But it's by the sky walk, maybe it'll help me with the fight. It's always good to have tricks up my sleeve." The man hummed in her mind, "It was a purple house, not a red one," he corrected. "Right, purple, I'm gonna amp up the speed now." She lifted her black metal mask up to her face and pressed a little button. She pushed her sleeves up as noise canceling plugs were placed into her ears and she placed dark tinted visors on.

"Don't place your feet flat on the ground, stay on your toes and large strides inside of small steps." Her legs ached once more electricity surrounded her, "Focus on your speed, don't use the electricity too much. That's why you get burns on your legs, straighten your back and zip your sweater up." She scoffed at the orders but complied, "You tell me to do so much all the time." She was nearing Mishima, she could tell because of Mount Fuji appearing in her vision. "We want to help you prepare for this (Y/n)..." She rose an eyebrow at the silence, "And what else? Something happening?"

There was a sonic boom as she broke the sound barrier. "During this fight..." Nana trailed off, "Something might happen (Y/n), but we don't know what it is. Theres been a disruption." She started to speed up even more once she saw the skywalk, "And your just telling me this now? What kind of disruption? You guys are worrying me." The blue eyed girl jumped over the sky walk without people noticing. "The memories you have of dying and coming here, your training, will all go back to you the instant you go over your limit," Yoichi explained. "And so? I don't see how it's a bad thing."

"The way you are now, and the way your were here before your memories dissipated—you were a completely different person (Y/n)." That was what worried them, but another thing as well. "If you guys are worried about my sanity—it's all right. I'll figure it out when it happens," they glanced at each other. "You were like a monster (Y/n)." She furrowed her eyebrows at Banjos blunt revelation, "Monster or not, I'm still me. And that's not going to change, if I go too overboard...you guys can stop me. Take over my body and stop me alright? You have my permission, so stop worrying you oldies."

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