20 - sports festival

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"Aw man, i was totally hoping i could wear my costume!" The pink haired girl whined and slumped onto the blue haired girl

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"Aw man, i was totally hoping i could wear my costume!" The pink haired girl whined and slumped onto the blue haired girl. "At least everyone will be in uniform to keep things fair, right?" Ojiro reassured her. "I wonder what they have in store for us in the first round." Sato thought out loud and multiple agreed.

"No matter what they prepare— we need to persevere." Tokoyami started as he crossed his arms over his chest. The waiting rooms sort was slammed open "Everyone get your game faces on, we are entering the arena soon. Wear your PE uniform correctly (L/n)!" the girl took her feet off the table and stood up as the boy sped over and skidded to a stop.

She lifted her arms and Iida zipped her sweater up "Thank you class rep." she sat back down correctly— she knew what she was doing honestly. Though that didn't really matter, it was entertaining to see the proper boy all worked up about her ties— so it became a regular thing. "You're welcome— it is my duty to ensure all of you are in top shape."

(Y/n) leaned her head to the side "Iida-san, you know you're really cute. We should go out sometime." she poked his buff arm with a small smirk. There was comical lightning that flashed through the heads of all of class 1-A, they turned to see what the boys response would be. "Of course! That would be a magnificent idea— a study group to strengthen our minds. Who would we invite?"

They all deadpanned and the blue haired girls expression twisted "...Of course! That's exactly what i was saying." she smiled again. Mina, Kaminari and Sero grimaced behind her— they made eye contact and communicated telepathically. "Excellent—but we should wait till after the festival so we don't distract our selves!" She nodded rapidly.

Then all of a sudden there were multiple arms that enveloped her— from behind and both sides. "You got friend zoned (L/n).." She heard Seros voice from behind her and he brung her closer. "That's too bad.." Then Kaminaris voice "You should go out with us instead." Then Minas— her face couldn't help but heat up at all the pretty people so close to her and her face.

She hasn't even had her fist kiss dammit— too much. Comical steam puffed out from her head and then she paled— a small comical ghost emerged from her mouth and Iida panicked as the girl slumped over. The three shrieked in horror "Shes dead!" they yelled and the class rep slapped her face repeatedly.

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