121 - "All for them."

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The next morning, (Y/n) woke to the sound of rain hitting her temporary shelter's roof

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The next morning, (Y/n) woke to the sound of rain hitting her temporary shelter's roof. Still on the bed with her face buried in the pillows, she leaned her head up and plopped it back down so she could face the clock. It was nine in the morning, Oboro had already left for school without waking her up. 'Never woke up this late...' The white haired girl couldn't lie, it felt empty without her cats. As well as having nobody waking her up in the middle of the night—sneaking into bed with her. She breathed out and closed her eyes again. "Jinko, when do you think I'll get my powers back?"

"I do not have an calculated answer for that, (Y/n). I apologize." She pursed her lips, "It's fine." Now she had to think about what to do all day. 'Maybe I can go to the street markets...' She ripped the covers off her body and rolled out of bed, letting the cold floor send chills up her legs from her feet. She got closer to the window and pulled a curtain to the side—the rain looked like it was letting up. 'Yeah I should...' She went on to take a shower and make herself breakfast with what Oboro had in the cabinets and everything. She also decided to get on helping him with cleaning.

'I don't think I should dye my hair just yet, I'm sure it'll go back to white after I get my powers back. Maybe I should cut it shorter again?' She brushed her teeth and went back into the guest room—changing out of the pajamas. 'I should definitely watch out for the Phantoms for now, during this time they were really out there. Gotta be careful...' She slipped on some white low waisted baggy track pants and a dark blue cropped long sleeve shirt with a low U neck. Of course not too low. She nabbed her wallet off the table, as well as her earbuds and continued to grab her phone.

She opened it and checked for any messages, 'Hm?' It was a message from a number saved as Oboro and a little cloud emoji on the side. He sent her a picture, she clicked on it. Face immediately tinting a little pink, but her eyes also shined with confusion. He sent her a picture of himself, in the classroom, a small cat in hand, although naked but with the only thing covering his bits was a perfect amount of cloud censoring. It was comical. She spotted Aizawa and Yamada in the background—younger them at least. In a way, it brought her comfort, she smiled to herself and liked the picture.

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