102 - when she wakes up

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"I don't want to make anyone worry about me anymore

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"I don't want to make anyone worry about me anymore..." Midoriya shot up with heaving breaths and cold sweat rolling down his face. 'So it wasn't the League...it was that new villain.' He looked around and realized he was he was in a completely different place from before. Instead of him being in the common room, he was in some sort of hospital room. There was beeping coming from an EKG next to the white sheeted hospital bed, it was bright in the room he was in. He looked towards the light source that was significantly brighter than anywhere else in the room. The window.

It was morning? He glanced around and his gaze finally landed on a clock. Ten fifteen in the morning, it was probably the next day after all that. Right? "Ah! I'm late for school!" He knew he would be excused but that didn't mean it wouldn't weigh on his conscious. He was hooked up to the IV, he simply pulled it out and discarded it. Only some seconds after—the door was busted into, showing All Might with an extremely worried expression. "Kid! You're finally awake, I was looking at your vitals in the other room. You almost gave me a heart attack!" The scrawny former Symbol of Peace enveloped his successor in a hug. "All Might?!"

"It's been four days!! Young (Y/n) hasn't waken up yet, Recovery Girl said she might not wake until next month. Are you feeling alright?" FOUR DAYS?! The green haired boy blanched, he missed school for four days?! "Yes yes! I'm feeling fine, but it's really been four days?! I gotta get to class, I can't afford to miss anymore lessons! My perfect attendance is going down the drain, Iida's gonna kill me!" He started to frantically look for his uniform—forgetting he wasn't in his actual dorm. "Midoriya kid, calm down! It's Saturday..." All Might was indeed correct.

Monday was the day that (Y/n) went to the orphanage—and everything happened that afternoon (as well as night). And four days passed, so Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday passed. It was the weekend again. "Saturday...?" The green eyed boy scratched his head. "The other staff told me what happened. You collapsed the exact moment you activated One For All while (Y/n)'s quirks were trying to rebel against the serum. I'm guessing the quirk she got from All For One tried to siphon energy from One For All to power her up again." Again, he was indeed correct. "I talked to her when I passed out."

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