42 - written exams end, practical exams begin

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Kagero Okuta— also known as Giran, a respected information broker in the underworld

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Kagero Okuta— also known as Giran, a respected information broker in the underworld. He's had many clients before, the infamous vigilante known as Azul, is one of them. Correction, was one of them—neither him or anyone else know what actually happened to them two years ago. Rumors started to spread, her absence caused people to become bolder—even if All Might was present, so he was confused.

Why did she show up now? And where has she been all this time? "Rumor was that you got caught by the heroes—or died. So, why'd you show up two years later?" The vigilante only stared at him—they were both in his office like room, on the couches in front of each other. Giran was the one who made her her mask, the one that she was wearing right now. She took out a phone, ironically it had a cat charm.

She flipped the phone to show him "My identity will be revealed soon, but i need information about the quirk amplifying drug called Trigger." The information broker got giddy inside, the money this vigilante had on then was a lot. But he can't say that he wasn't genuinely worried for his client. "What you gonna pay with this time? A diamond? Those pearls on your neck? Those rings?"

Kagero took out a fat cigar along with a lighter, it had run out of gas. He slightly frowned in disappointment, suddenly the room got warmer—he turned to the source and found Azuls pinky in fire. Right, he almost forgot about their fire quirk—a pinky is classy though. He neared it, only hovered above because he knew how hot that fire would get. They both sat back down and she started taking the case off of her phone.

Black and gold credit card fell out—Giran gaped, did they get richer or something?! She picked up a gold one and swiftly threw it to him, he caught it immediately. She put her cards back in her case "Ya' sure you want to give me a whole credit card?" he blew out a puff of smoke making the girl scrunch up her nose. She nodded and a glint of urgency flashed in her eyes. "I'm going im going!"

Giran stood up and sped walked somewhere—came back with three small boxes. "Now, you know how trigger works and who it's been made by." She nodded "But there's been a new seller on the market, the villain factory has a new rival. The drug is called "Amplify." The yakuza you took down a while ago—the phantoms—are making it with the use of, well i don't really know what they're using."

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