124 - DP's Trashy Talk Show

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'Why would they put a cup here if there isn't gonna be anything in it??' (Y/n) stared at the white porcelain mug, branded by the Daily Planet's signature logo

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'Why would they put a cup here if there isn't gonna be anything in it??' (Y/n) stared at the white porcelain mug, branded by the Daily Planet's signature logo. She sat on a comfy black couch, not too big though. Only for around three people or so. And her interviewer, or host, she guesses, sat on another comfy black couch, though built for one single person. There was a mahogany table placed in front of the gap that separated the two couches, touched with the empty, pathetic mugs.

The white haired girl had the sudden urge to sneer.

She already didn't like the man seated only less than a yard away from her. Aura wise. No, it was that and the bitch face he already had plastered on his visage; making his aging lines oh-so prominent as if he was an American. She already felt like she regretted even showing up, but she convinced herself she was being a bit too sensible to other's...distinct personalities. Suddenly, some of the employees unveiled multiple enshrouded windows that the teen didn't even realize were there to begin with. She squinted her eyes a bit at the bright light.

She looked away and set her gaze on her illegitimate daughter. With the cute smile that was sent her way, making her heart sputter with a sense of happiness, the older girl herself felt her lips twitch up. It quickly dropped as soon as the orange haired man behind the camera started to count down. While the man next to her opted to smooth out the wrinkles on his suit, (Y/n) decided to turn to him. "Hey, so uh. What's your name anyway-"

"And we're live!"

"Good afternoon, morning, evening, night, whatever your time zone may be—This is the Daily Planet's talk show going to you live with a special guest some may or may not have heard of." (Y/n) was completely taken aback at the big ass 360° spin of personality and mood coming from the man next to her. "You are here with Kazuya Umbachi and," he lifted his hand with his palm facing upwards, pointing towards the girl next to him. The cameras pointed at her, suddenly, severe awkwardness decided to intrude. Thankfully, the man introduced her himself.

"(Y/n) (L/n), but as you all may know, Azul!" People on the streets gasped, watching the nearest TV and or broadcast on large screen ones. She decided to smile a little bit, pinching the skin of her palm in between her nails. "Hello," she greeted to the device, the man smiled even brighter. "Alright (Y/n)—I can call you that right? I've heard you don't favor your last name." She nodded at the awfully kind gesture, her mood changed. "How have you been adjusting to your hero life? You've made quite the severe impacts on—not only Japan, but also the world, with your stellar work."

AZUL, BNHA VARIOUSWhere stories live. Discover now